Jan 31, 2008 01:58
im broke. im so broke. im drowing. its not bad but it might get worse.
I wish I could just live off people like so many people my age do and then give people like me shit.
So now I apparently have to buy my own groceries. Which means I get to starve and be poor. I guess I'll look super good this summer. im gonna go for that exotic Ethiopian look.
im so depressed. my biggest fear is that its going to get worst. i'm so scared that everything is going to get worse and it terrifies me. All I need is my car insurance bill or something to be in the mail tomorrow or anything for this week cause I don't get paid till next friday. I have to go a week with a quarter tank and no money.
after I get off from shit-ann fabrics im have to find another job and then im going to get ridiculously drunk and if I don't make it thru the night.
bright things: im not gonna lie, Matt did a pretty good job of making me feel better today. it was random funny and cute, I just wish... I wish he had time to start a breakfast club with me.