Alright, if that teensy thing
Cordy needed to fix was so teensy, why isn't she back yet? I called
Buffy to see what was up, and she didn't seem to know anything about it. Yes, Cordy's staying with her but they don't seem to be spending much time together. So the good news is there's no budding apocalypse in Sunnydale, but then what the hell is keeping her?
Oz found the mystery girl who pissed
Faith off, and lost her again. Said she got into a car with some blonde and headed in the direction of
Wolfram and Hart. So we're no further along on that front. I might ask around on the streets, see if anyone in the underworld knows more about her. Hey, maybe
Melaka will want to go, I've been trying to get her out and about as much as I can. It's pretty nice having a slayer along when I patrol.
I've been feeling a lot more relaxed around
Wes and
Fred since our dinner, and...well, with the atmosphere at the hotel in general.
Wood has joined me on patrol a few times, and he's a hell of a strong fighter. Seems to be really curious about Melaka, too, not that I could tell him all that much. It's feeling a little more like a well-oiled machine.