Quick Update

Sep 01, 2009 00:59

School has gotten better. Still haven't made any new friends. Repo was a blast. Terrance is super cool and signed the Playboy that we used and the bra that I wore as Single Mom. I even taught him how to have elbow sex! It was great. Jake lost his phone friday night and we never found it. It was shut off so whoever took it can't use it. So currently he has a pay as you go phone till we can pay off his old phone bill. Then I am going to see about putting us both on a family plan cause it will be cheaper for us and that way he will be authorized to ask them about his bill. So if you need to get a hold of him poke me or email him. He had an interview today and got the job. Starts orrentation tomorrow. He'll basicly be doing customer service for carpet shampooing. Not to shabby for $16.75 an hour. I'm still looking for a job so I can quit kinkos. I am tierd of their shit, tired of having bad days, and tired of the idiot populous.

Well, that's it for now. Night!

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