Mrs Lovett - oh Jesus Christ ¬_¬
Sugar - loud mouthed, wild child who'll throw herself at anything with a penis and a decent body or a full wallet.
Kim - Sugar's best friend, girl next door type - lesbian
Saint - Kim's girlfriend. Laid back, honest, open, sweet and owns a sex shop.
Vincent - Emmett's new boyfriend, Irish - he's got an art degree and works as a fashion designer - he just got back from New York. He's a total sweetie.
Io - Vallewida saved him from an old friend of Durer's who's been keeping him for the past couple of years. He's now 13 years old. He's fucked in the head from all the abuse, think Vallewida a year ago - he also has an opium addiction which doesn't help matters >_<
Evan - Journalist, an very old friend of Vallewida's. He's honest, righteous and good natured.
Jose - total sleeze - he works as a kind of spy for newspapers. He's a ratbag.