The things you do for love

Dec 19, 2008 14:24

Reason for post is that in order to not make baby ill I'm going to have to do some serious dietary modifications. Since Libby's latest scan has her looking three weeks fatter than is normal I got packed off to a diabetes nurse and given a test kit. Unfortunately my sugar level after the end of yesterday was pretty high and after having talked to diabetes nurse on the phone today as a result (who is lovely BTW) it looks like sweets and puddings will be off the menu this Christmas for me. I got a bit depressed about not getting to pig out but I guess I've perhaps always had a bad relationship with food in that I was too much of a comfort eater and I need to be a bit viewing of it as fuel rather than a grown-up dummy but this might take some adjustment. Then again it might just be a case of sucking it up until after Libby is born (and since she's pretty big they're taking about inducement being discussed which NCT was dead set against as apparently it makes your labour pains more intense). So if I get a bit grumpy over the next few weeks - it might be a case of bearing with although I will be having some champers over Crimbo and New Year even if it's only half a glass - I think I'll allowed one glass. I apologize for whinge but felt need to vent.
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