Since I don't feel compelled to post about riding which is going ok at the mo apart from my pride in defying and minor jealously at
f1shbang managed to stay on a bolting horse yesterday. Wayside are threatening to put me on Oakely the slow coach
f1shbang got lumbered with first time there due to my nerves at being carted off. To quote mis-quote Amy Winehouse I say "no". I got stuck on a literally lame horse this time which I lost about half of the hack due to having to be changed upon another horse and I only got that because another bloke on the ride did his back in (which resulted in everyone else standing around in the freezing cold for about 45 minutes while they came to take the bloke away and bring me - the girl directing the horse box to the place the bloke's back went had only been there by road a couple of times by road and got lost) so I shall be claiming half-price for the next ride out there - I hate to be bolshy but I don't think that's unreasonable.
Anyway, see the composite faces of bits of celebrities people fancy has got me onto to thinking the eye of the beholder - most of the women reacting to the bloke compo have gone 'eugh' and yet at least unlike the female one he doesn't look bland, she's pretty but too bland to be a paragon of female beauty and the same could be said for a model that mostly closely fit a scientifically worked perfect face model that I saw an article on some years ago. I always think that attempts to create a standard for beauty are doomed to failed as they don't take it account things like charisma and the eye of the beholder i.e what someone finds attractive leaves someone else cold or worse. A bloke who devised a beauty map who what features made a person attractive admitted he had thing for girl's with big noses and the last time I managed to shock my mum was when my top celeb crush got revealed to which her responce was "How can you fancy him? he's so skinny". There are factors here such as Sawyer's wicked grin and how Liv Tyler has been described as having a look that makes you think what's in her heart shows directly in her eyes (the original quote is far more poetic - something about having nothing between her heart and her eyes which was mentioned in the scientifically worked out beauty map article). I found out yesterday
f1shbang has a bit of thing for Jennifer Connerly who has been described as having a sort of warm quality to her acting - a certain je ne sais quo just makes you instantly want to go out with the character she's playing, a quality I find in James McAvoy. Such things a indentikit photos or beauty scientifically worked out maps don't show. I'm interested to know what others find attractive about their celeb crushes too if anyone wants to share.