Jan 04, 2008 01:53
Today I feel as broken
As the will of a drowned man
Letting go of his will, his life.
When he realizes the fight is over.
You look at me and I look whole,
But looks deceive
And scars that excrutuate the most
Are not confined within the presence
Of nakedly blind eyes.
Yes, I feel as maimed as the homeless woman
Outside that condemed builing
That one might look in disgust upon
while tripping over her shoeless feet.
Tattered, torn, with tarnished eyes
That have survived much more than stavation...
She finally has lost her will, her soul.
This moment I feel as helpless as a orphaned child
Its heart in pieces hanging by strings
Without the power, knowlegde, and ability
To put it back together, back in place.
He has had his will taken, his heart.
This second. I am mere parts of these three.
For my life, my soul, my heart still belongs to me.
~Stacey Ann- Marie