LOTR - Drama

Jul 22, 2004 03:02

“Perchance to Dream” - M.N. Theis

After the War of the Ring, a bitter conflict with the Easterlings leaves Legolas in terrible danger and all of Gondor on the brink of destruction.

This must be the longest fanfiction I've ever seen - nearly 500,000 words. Unbelievable. It's, naturally, a very epic tale. Lots of angst, h/c, action, drama and some warnings for torture and rape (it is rated R for a reason, after all). But don't let that stop you!

I must admit, the story has some flaws. I found the overall plotting (or better the evil plotting) quite visible. There is only one baddie that presents itself. And that pendant is not kosher either. Someone even says, how can such a small necklace be evil (where was that someone, when some tiny golden ring was cast into Mount Doom?)… I'm always stupid when it comes to plotting and schemes and warfare. I NEVER see through a detective story. But here, I had my suspicions from the beginning on. Yet Aragorn runs blindly into the trap - and I consider him much wiser than myself *g*.

But don't let that fool you. Not everything is as it seems! I especially like the changed POVs. We follow Legolas, Faramir and Aragorn, which of course limits our knowledge of what's going and adds to the suspense. Since I'm a ranger girl at heart I liked the parts from Aragorn's POV best (those are also the most action driven chapters), but everything from Legolas' POV is truly fine writing. She does a great job of depicting all the character, exploring their strenghts, weaknesses and flaws. So at heart, the story is a lenghty character study with the action wrapping it all up. Maggie always puts her finger in the wound and stays where it hurts most. And her level of writing is really astounding, she's mastering that complex story with ease and finesse. I'm awed!

I was suprised at the end, I must say. The whole story is throbbing of all the angst. Already the first chapter jumps into heavy forshadowing. Never do we see Legolas actually enjoying himself. The end was really light in comparison to the rest of the story and I'm glad for it. I already feared a heavy depression coming up, but the end makes me feel all fuzzy and warm *cooes*!

Don't be scared away by the lenght! Go ahead and read!

Originally published at Unspoken. You can comment here or there.

fic recs, lotr

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