Aragorn: The Owner’s Guide and Maintenance Manual - Theresa Green
Thinking of buying an ARAGORN this summer? Own one already but can’t find the button to turn him on? Then look no further than this authoritative guide to the operation and upkeep of your trusty Ranger.
Henneth Annun is a place of wonder. I was reading something completely different but started playing with the “Story Recommended for” feature and ended up with this little thing. It has an “adult” rating, but it’s quite safe: Some slash mention, some mpreg mentions - but you only get the hint if you know what is meant anyway…
I especially like the technical data of Aragorn. “Weapon lenght: 48 inches (after surgery by the Elven smiths of Rivendell)”. Quite impressive, really *snickers*. ’nuff said, it’s just terribly funny!
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