migraine, oh noes!

Jul 16, 2007 08:22

well i got one last night, which makes me worried, cause my birth control may have been a contributing factor, although after 4 months or so with no symptoms, i'm going to give my nuvaring the benefit of the doubt this time around.

ken my dad and i had been at the mus of civ most of the afternoon checking out the "treasures of china" exhibit, and i found the lighting in there not the best; that, combined with not eating or drinking since 11:30 am, then having caffeine in the form of a timmy's, and i'd woken up with a tension neck/shoulder ache that morning were probably all contributers to the migraine.

it was a short, intense one, and i was only down for the count from around 7 to 10pm. however, it made me miss my mom's birthday dinner and celebration at my grandmother's :(( but i'd already taken her shopping on saturday as her present, so we got to spend that time together.

on another note, i've had to change the wedding date, since 3 of my relatives won't be in canada until end april. so, we'll probably be getting married around april 25th 2009... so 2 years of engagement :( which is not what i wanted, but ken's convinced he can't afford a wedding before january 2009, so i don't have a choice. oh well, that much longer to save up. i have decided i want to have it at the mackenzie king estate ruins.

wedding, migraine

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