Fic: Living with distractions (PG-16)

Feb 28, 2010 05:32

Title: Living with distractions (chapter 1)
Author: mylittlestorys
Pairing(s): annie/mitchell
Rating: PG-16
Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with BH.
Warnings: Contains spoilers for season 2.
Summary: Normality would be to easy wouldn't it? The gang struggle with reality and something/someone is waiting for Annie.
Author's notes: Not sure how many chapters as of yet, will have some OC action later on. Carries on from previous fic Distractions.

Mitchell threw his keys on the hallway table, shrugging off his jacket; it had been a long, long day. He dragged himself to the old leather couch occupied by a slouched Annie, whose eyes were closed, contemplating her own thoughts. Mitchell kicked off his boots and joined her, sharing a similar slumped position, stretching out his long legs.

Noticing movement on the couch, Annie rolled her head to face Mitchell, cracking her eyes open slightly ‘Hello stranger’.

Rubbing his tired faced with the palm of his hands, Mitchell released a long breath. It was pretty obvious to Annie that he had a hell of a day, but asked anyway ‘Some day then?’.

‘You’re telling me. I just want some fucking peace and quiet, you know. Bloody Ivan, doing my head in’, Mitchell leaned his head against the head rest, peeling off his gloves and throwing them across the room.

Annie grinned sympathetically, ‘Want to talk about it?’.

Mitchell shrugged ‘Nah, this is peaceful time’.

Annie accepted this and they both gazed at the ceiling, looking at nothing in particular.

‘I bet you a fiver that my day was worse than yours’ Annie wearily stated, noticing a cobweb she missed on the ceiling.

‘I’ll take that bet’, Mitchell mumbled, ‘How was your day then?’.

Now it was Annie’s turn to release a puff of air, ‘Well I now know why people don’t wonder down dodgy alleyways. That they are willing to kill innocent people just to get me. Oh! I’m screwed, unless Sykes helps me. I met another ghost by the way, strict, but a nice fella, says he is going to help me’. Annie stated the last part mostly for her own good; she had to be confident Sykes would help her.

Mitchell sat straighter, attention focused on Annie’s unmoving form, ‘What happened in the alleyway?’.

Her gaze remained on the ceiling, as though the little control she had might crumble to reveal all vulnerability, ‘A drug addict died and they said wait for me. The door appeared and we fought. Actually, he dragged me about a bit. I was a bit pathetic in the fighting department. It was like Saul all over again. Everything went a bit white, like a flash, and then Sykes was there’. Annie sat up straight now and distractedly picked at her cardigan ‘If Sykes hadn’t been there…’ she didn’t want to finish that sentence.

‘Did he hurt you, the addict?’ the word addict seemed to stick in Mitchell’s throat for a millisecond, a small truth hit home.

Annie’s hands stopped moving. She hoped Mitchell hadn’t noticed the light bruising around both her wrists. He did, and carefully examined her hands. Apparently a ghost could inflict injuries on another, a fact he never knew before, maybe just temporary injuries he thought.

‘Nothing serious, I’m a ghost, remember?’, Annie shoulder nudged Mitchell, not wanting him to worry.

Mitchell spoke softly, eyes unmoving from her small wrists which were slowly warming in his grasp, ‘Can you trust him?’. To say he was a little weary of this Sykes character was an understatement.

Annie’s eyes gleamed conviction and determination ‘I have to, what other option have I got? Wait around for them to drag me through the corridor, no thanks’.

Tracing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb, Mitchell nodded his head slowly ‘Ok’. Without meeting him, Mitchell already disliked this Sykes character, but he gave in to those eyes. If Annie trusted him, Mitchell supposed he would have to also.

Annie smacked her lips together, awkwardly chuckling ‘Well this is a little depressing’.

‘Seems to be the theme of the month’, Mitchell bit his lip out of habit, transfixed by the tingling sensation radiating from Annie’s skin.

Annie propped her head on Mitchell shoulder, a motion she dearly missed and savoured the moment. The close proximity resurfaced recent memories of kissing Mitchell…and other things. Blushing, Annie smiled secretly to herself.

Lightly stroking the curls of her dark hair, Mitchell slyly looked down to study Annie’s features, a small smile twitched her lips.  He tried, half-heartedly, to push the x-rated thoughts raiding his mind as his hand glided to her cool neck. God he wanted to kiss her, feel her smooth skin press against his. Shit. He must have been staring too long as Annie wriggled to tilt her head.

Looking up Annie could see the desire clouding Mitchell’s eyes. Admittedly, she felt the desire too, the ache to feel Mitchell’s hand explore every inch of her body once again.

Mitchell swept his finger tips across her check leaving a trail of sparks lingering on her skin. Annie closed her eyes, savouring the touch. To feel again was unbelievably amazing after so long. Annie parted her lips in anticipation as Mitchell leaned in, closing the gap with a deep, passionate kiss. Their bodies pressed together, merging with a magnetic force.

Unwillingly, Mitchell inched away, cupping her face in his hands, kissing her swollen lips lightly before speaking in that husky accent that drove Annie mad, ‘Should we be doing this?’. His eyes searched for any sign of reluctance. Of course he wanted this, but he had to make sure Annie was on board.

Annie bit her bottom lip; eyes sparkling in a seductive manner Mitchell had never seen her display. She leaned close to Mitchells ears and whispered, ‘Friends with benefits?’, moving her eyebrows up and down. The answer seemed pretty obvious to her.

‘I can live with that’ Mitchell rapidly replied before diving into back into the kiss.

His hands hungrily travelled to her waist, pulling Annie to straddle his hips, hands working underneath her cardigan to touch the small of her back. Annie gasped under his touch and rapidly unbuttoned his shirt, to reveal his flat, toned chest.

Mitchell slid the material of her tank top, displaying a smooth, bare shoulder; lips travelling to the now exposed shoulder, concentrating on her collarbone, an area he previously discovered played havoc on Annie.

Purring in appreciation, Annie tilted her head back as Mitchell’s stubble grazed her neck. Mitchell smiled and mumbled against her skin ‘God, you are beautiful’.

Annie suddenly spoke with a serious tone, ‘When’s George back?’.

Mitchell grunted, ‘What? I don’t think George would appreciate the offer.’

Annie chuckled and she guided Mitchell’s free hand down the curve of her hips teasingly, ‘I mean, when’s he back?’

‘Five or something, I don’t care’, he had the important task of removing her grey top at hand.

If there was a prize for the most inappropriate timing, George would win first place without a doubt. On cue, George’s keys rattled in the door lock ‘I’m home!’.

‘Popping’ from Mitchell’s lap, Annie smoothed her hair and clothes, glaring at Mitchell, who groaned in disapproval from the sudden interruption, adjusting himself appropriately.

George eyed the pair suspiciously; they seemed in his opinion rather shifty, ‘What have you two been up to then?’.

Annie scratched her head looking everywhere but Mitchell, ‘Nothing’ while her partner in crime buttoned the remainder of his shirt before smoothing his ruffled hair, ‘Just got back George, busy day, vampire stuff etcetera’.

Satisfied, yet still suspicious of their answers, George shook the grocery bag in hand, ‘Ok, we’ll I’ve got some beers and you two crazy kids can wait here while I cook’.

‘I can give you a hand, if you want?’, Annie’s face remained slightly flushed.

George walked into the kitchen, shouting back, ‘No, no it’s ok Annie, I’m more than capable’.

‘You heard the man’, Mitchell stood, and checking George was out of view and kissed her quickly before heading for a beer.


The three housemates lazed in the living room watching ‘The Real Hustle’, George sprawled on the red arm chair, Annie and Mitchell sharing the couch.

‘Annie. Have you ever, you know…” George scrunched his nose and made a weird gesture with his hands, causing Annie wrinkle her forehead in confusion.

‘I mean’, George coughed nervously, ‘had ghost sex’, in a squeaky whisper.

Mitchell chocked on the beer he had been drinking and George shot him a quizzical look. Annie laughed awkwardly ‘No! Noo, no, no, no’.

‘Really, you never tired?’ George was curious tonight. Mitchell coughed, recovering into his cool demeanour.

Annie nervously fidgeted in her seat, pulling at strands of hair ‘Phft of course not, you make me sound like a sex pest’. She didn’t particularly like lying to George, but he would freak out big style.

George pointed an accusing finger, ‘The only sex pest around here is Mitchell’.

‘What? Like fuck I am’, Mitchell slouched further into the couch. This was a losing battle.

‘Erm yes you are! You’ve spent the last hundred odd years bedding the ladies of the world. It’s a well known fact; check Wikipedia’, George dodged the cushion thrown by Mitchell, narrowly missing his head, ‘Hey! Glasses!’.

‘Jesus George, so I’m an old sex pest”, George shrugged apologetically and focused on the TV again.  Annie chuckled.

Mitchell turned to Annie, ‘I’m not a sex pest!’, laughing as she poked him in the ribs, ‘I’m not!’.

Annie smiled happily, as the night passed on. George was dozing in the chair, occasionally snoring and Mitchell stroking the back of her neck, reading a magazine. She was safe and comfortable with the two people she trusted in the world. That was until the TV screen flickered.

The film character tapped the screen, looking straight at Annie, taunting, ‘Annie! It won’t be long now! We’re coming for you and no one will help. You belong to us!’

Annie stiffened, unable to remove her eyes from the screen. Mitchell didn’t notice! It was only her that could see them. She swallowed and moved into the kitchen. The actress laughed and the voices rose, piercing her ears. Annie moved to the sink, using her hands to cover her ears. She couldn’t make them stop and silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Annie leaned onto the sink, head down. Just try to clear your head. She squeezed her eyes tightly. The voices were loud; crying, screaming, confusion and fear. Why did she hear them, what could she do? Annie bit back a small cry so the other two couldn’t hear her in the kitchen, instead in came out as a pathetic whimper.

George didn’t hear a peep from the kitchen, Mitchell did though and he quietly crept up to the kitchen and saw Annie hunched over the sink. He quickly walked over and attempted to turn her round, unsuccessfully due to her ice grip onto the sink, ‘Annie, what’s wrong?’. Now he was getting worried.

She shrugged him off uncharacteristically and kept her head down. The voices, the screams were becoming fainter now. Having Mitchell close seemed to dim them down somewhat, she could concentrate again.

‘Sorry, it’s…I hear them Mitchell, in my head. And sometimes it’s hard to make them stop’, Mitchell wrapped himself around her, sitting his head upon her shoulder. He began to free her death grip on the sink counter, ‘It’s ok, just relax’.

‘Mhum’, she nodded in response as the voices  vanished completely and she finally opened her eyes, looking down to the empty sink, ‘Thanks’ Mitchell’.

He kissed below her earlobe ‘Come on, lets laugh at George snoring’.

‘Yea…oh!’ Annie gasped in horror as she looked through the kitchen window. Glaring back was a woman with black, curious eyes and an evil grin. Her gargle drew Mitchell’s attention to the window and he didn’t like what he saw.

‘Jesus fucking Christ’, he sprang to the front door ripping it open, greeted by an amused looking Ivan, ‘Mitchell! I was just about to knock’.


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