May 16, 2006 15:04
I don't think that the stress and anxiety from finals has completely melted away yet. I'm still finding myself to be on edge and it's harder for me to relax. And I think that was reflected on my mood this weekend. I was just out of it, and probably wasn't too fun to be around. I spent the majority of Saturday with Cryssi and we hit up BW3's for some yummy food (and my buddy Jamie made a cameo as one of the cashiers, so catching up was fun as well). Then we trucked on up to FnS where we met up with a few of her cosplaying/RPing friends. They were really nice and one of the girls is an avid fan of Buffy, so that was quite exciting (and a nice break from the anime conversations that I had nothing to contribute to :P ) We ended up at Hot Topic at one point and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Battle Royale 1 & 2 on DVD...just chillin' on a shelf. Who knows how it got there, as I was under the impression that it wasn't legal to sell these in this country...but that really didn't go through my head so much, as I was too busy not containing my excitement..aka: I may have been jumping around and screaming for the rest of the night. I don't usually get too animated, but I just couldn't help dancing around. And it was quite fun- I may burst into a jig more often now. Watch for it. And along with my dancing, I was also sniffing my arm. A lot. See, I found the absolute best smelling cologne in Victoria's Secret (as I wasn't about to look at the panties *chuckle*) and every breath I took was comparable to sex....which I guess is appropriate, since the cologne is called Sexy.
Apparently Sunday was Mother's Day, so our family made the usual trip up to Belgrade's, which is this restaurant that's famous for fried chicken. So naturally I got a salad. And, not surprisingly, the lunch was awful. I've determined that the adults in my family cannot have an intelligent conversation to save their life. Amidst the constant complaints about the food, all that was talked about was Brad and Angelina's marriage, how Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are doing, and more useless celebrity gossip. It's the kind of stuff that my mother lives for, and I hate it! Thankfully, though, I was saved by my cousin, Courtney. She's my super-favorite cousin, and we had this amazing conversation about literature and movies. *sigh* I love conversations that aren't throwaway, ya know? She's going away to college in Cincinnati in the fall, so I'm a little sad about that.
After lunch I headed up to Starbucks to do some reading, and this totally random man walked up and started talking to me. Apparently he's the infamous Santa Claus guy that always hangs around Susan's. I was a little creeped out at first, but he was a really nice guy. He's studying Spanish and we talked a lot about the language. It was surprisingly fun, and Mike showed up right after we finished talking. So that's like double the fun :) Even though I was severely out of it for some reason....was it nerves? Lack of sleep? Whatever it was, I just couldn't spit out complete sentences, and I'm sure I was less than fun to be around. Ah well, it was a really fun time, I thought.
Yesterday I hopped on over to Ashlee and Dave's and we all watched Battle Royale and ate this AMAZING curry that Chung made. I may or may not have had 5 helpings. It was loads of fun. Mos def.
...Ugh, I didn't want to post about my feelings again but it's my journal, so fuck it. Lately I've been feeling less and less happy with myself. I'm not where I want to be, and I just feel like I'm going through the motions, which would explain my lack of enthusiasm and excitement over most everything. I don't even know where to go with this.
Time to put on my smile.
Quotes from my wacky family:
Mom: Ma, you're prejudiced. So, does that mean you're a redneck?
Me: ....*slow head turn*
Grandma: I'm prejudice, but I ain't no redneck.
Dad: No. A redneck is someone from the south. They drink a lot of beer and have those confederate flags on their trucks. They're all men.
Me: ...
Mom: Oh, I thought they were those....what do you call 'em? White supremists. Kinda like Mom here.
Mom: *to my dad* Do you want to go see The Da Vinci Code when it-
Dad: No. Absolutely not!
Mom:, it's not real.
Dad: I will never see that movie. I have no desire to see it whatsoever. No way.