Even bubble tea can't save the day ...:(

May 02, 2006 21:38

Oh, yesterday. What can I say about yesterday? Well, it was one of the worst days I've had in a long while, for one. I had a final project that was due at 12:05, and me being my usual self didn't start on it until 3:00 Sunday afternoon. No big deal. I do my best work under pressure. And pressure I felt. I worked my ass off on this thing and didn't get finished with everything until about 10:00 the next morning. I did so many re-writes and tweaks and the final product came out rather splendidly, I think. So that wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for this horrible pain I started developing over the course of my all-nighter. Both of my eyes were bloodshot and itching like mad, and my left eye kept producing this fun little glob of pus that came back every 20 minutes or so. I chalked it up to my allergies at the time, but suffice to say I felt pretty crappy by the time my papers were finished.

So when it came time to go to class, I drag my cursor over to the 'print' button and I click. And click again. And click several hundred times more. My printer chose a great time to completely not work. I wasn't worried though, cause this happens pretty regularly and I still had plenty of time before class started.

...An hour goes by.

I've tried everything I could think of, but the printer won't budge. But I hold back on the panicking and search for a CD I can use to save my papers on, but of course we have none. Then I look for floppy discs and come up empty with those, too. Now I start to panic. It's almost noon and I have nothing to show for all the work I did. I couldn't email the professor, because she never accepts papers that way ("My inbox is always too full, and I would never find it!" she says...) , and I was worried I would completely miss the class and fail the assignment. By this time I was crying because I was so frustrated, and my eyes would hurt even more because of this. Finally at 12:20 the printer kicked in and spit out my papers. But the visual project came out...slightly backwards. And that's when I noticed I had no printer paper left to correct this problem. So, instead of having a neat two-sided brochure to show off, I had separate papers printed in the wrong direction... If I had time to cut things up and glue them the right way, I would've...but that wasn't an option.

So I raced to class (after having to ask my grandmother for money to park in the visitor lot) and slipped in with 20 minutes to spare. I handed over my papers at the end of the class and got this response: "These papers were due at the start of class, but I'll take them." Fantastic. After that I drove back home with the intention of sleeping, but ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't blink without feeling pain. I had to wait two hours for the appointment, and then another hour in the waiting room. So it was well past 4:00 by the time I was finally admitted. It turned out I didn't have pink-eye like I thought, but an infection from my contact solution (which I guess is becoming rather common lately - Don't use Bausche & Lomb products!) ...but I've never used the solution that he told me contains the virus or whatever. Swell. So I fell asleep right when I hit my pillow when I got home, and slept for about 13 hours straight. Sleep = great

Today sucked something else, too. I missed a quiz in my Evolution class because the bus took over 30 minutes to get to where I was parked. I'm not doing so hot in that class, and I'm worried about this quiz (along with those papers that might not get graded). Then I had my last Spanish class which I guess should make me happy, but just pissed me off today. I had to repeat a sentence 4 times because the teacher said I wasn't loud enough. Forgive me for being sick, bitch. So I treated myself to bubble tea at Boba afterwards, cause that usually cheers me up....but it was completely disgusting today. The pearls resembled the rocks that are found in abundance in Kent's bubble tea. Grr. So, waste of time and money.

Finals are coming soon, and I'm feeling the beginning stages of stress already. I'm planning to procrastinate a little less than I did for midterms (cause that didn't seem too work out too swell) but I'm feeling the pressure. Plus, the pressure from my sinuses and eyes...

And I planned on making a nice spiel about Olestra today, too. Hmph

This week = death
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