(no subject)

Jan 24, 2009 15:03

ok, i suppose its time for a short update for those few readers out there that ACTUALLY read this thing.. let alone comment it.

I am frustrated to all hell with humanity. but i am currently putting up with one certain individual in a manner that might be explained as dating.. yes i worded it as such for a reason. Im still not sure if iwant to be dating them, or giving them a chance at all but i am. they do have a certain way of making me smile. at times.

I have started to do the needed work to get into school, i have to call financial aid again on monday and figure out what the next step in this process is, but it is only saturday and i have much to do before that can occur.

Tonight: spam/kraj graduation/ kraj and squid going away party, meeting, babysitting
tomorrow: Gym, gpas unveiling
Monday: drive friend to Burbank to have staples removed..

next few days are busy, but not too busy.. if you would like to see me at anytime, you must tell me... i can NOT read minds ppl. anyways, thats enough out of me for a while.. ooh and btw

chance... i will have to bring you movies soon.
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