Sep 02, 2008 18:06
Hamlet 2. With much anticipatory glee, I broke my movie theatre film watching fast with a trip to the local cineplex to watch Steve Coogan star as Dana Marschz (the pronunciation is funny), a failed actor/drama teacher in Tuscon, Arizona. How could this premise possibly fail? Well, it did.
I suppose the premise is its own downfall. In the movie, Dana is putting on his own original play, the movie's namesake, in an effort to raise attention the closing of the drama department. The play is deemed offensive by, oh, everyone and Dana is forced to fight for his right to...put on an absolutely ridiculous play. Everything you think would happen does. SPOILER: the play goes on with many protests, the kids rally around him to encourage him to continue when times get rough, the play is a huge success and he goes on to win fame.
The best part was the actual staging of Hamlet 2. The play's premise was ridiculous but I found it fully enjoyable and, dare I say, touching. Elisabeth Shue (who stars in the movie as herself actress-cum-nurse) shed a tear while watching it and I didn't but it was the only time I laughed. The randomness just fell flat. I find it hard to beleive that anyone who believes in Jesus would actually be offended by 'Rock Me Sexy Jesus'- the play's main song- and I hope that people will mainly be offended that this comedy does not inspire laughter. D
movie review