I turned in an application at
Mimi's Cafe Tuesday and they told me to come in today for an interview. My mom had 2 interviews this morning so she wasn't able to take me. I had to rely on the kindness of a stranger (
his_way)...yea right. Afterwards we walked around Zona Rosa for a little while and went into Abercrombie & Fitch and pushed numourous hangers together because it's said that everyday after work, the employees have to space EVERY hanger equally apart ... >=)
Back to the interview. It went well. The guy that interviewed me kind of talked more about himself then anything. I just sat and smiled. He said they'll call me Friday, Monday, or Tuesday if they want a second interview from me. Hopefully so. Although, their uniforms are really cheesy. I don't know..we'll see.
Cool I got a new pair of jeans about a week ago at
Hollister. I'll like them at times, I'll love them at times, and I'll hate them at times but that's just how I am with a new pair of jeans.
Oh I forgot to mention that for our Scavenger Hunt we had to draw a Henna Tattoo of a Penis on ourselves. Hahah. I ended up putting mine as low as I could on my pelvis because there's no way I'd want my mom to see it.
I'm thinking about getting a tattoo but I really don't know. I want one because ever since I can remember, I said I'd get atleast one tattoo in my life just to know what it's like. My parents don't care but my mom did bring up something along the lines of - not having one would make me different from others but I don't know. The only thing that I keep thinking about is getting one and then getting older and it's all stretched out or something - so I'm trying to figure out a spot where your skin doesn't expand as you get older.
I have so many pictures I want to post but I just don't want to go through and resize them all and upload them all, etc. I'll just wait till some night when I'm extremely bored.
Eat Your Heart Out
Tafetta 8D