Psychos in hiding- chapter 6

Apr 17, 2007 13:11

Title: Pyschos in hiding
Chapter: 6
pairing: ville valo/ bam margera
Genre: horror
Warnings:Blood/gore/ possible character death/swearing
Author note: i am so sorry for the delay, i have been extremely busy but finally i have spring break.

Ville and Bam sat in the corner of the silent room. Bam had fallen alseep in Ville's arms, but Ville could tell his sleep was far from restful. Ville did what he could to quiet the quiet screams of fear and pain that escaped his broken angel's lips, but nothing seemed to work. The footsteps had stopped but Ville knew that the psycho was right outside the door, Ville watched the doorknob turn and the door slowly begin to open.  A haunting melody filled the room and filled Ville's ears. The psycho took slow strides into the room staring around the ground. Ville could feel Bam's body begin to shake in his arms and his eyes were filled with tears. Ville knew he wasn't the only one to know that the psycho had found them, kissing Bam's forehead and rubbing his back he tried to stop Bam from crying, but nothing worked. 
             "I know you two are in here, your little Bammie boy's cries let me know where you were. Good job Bam, it will be your fault that Ville will die," the psycho said with disgust in his voice. Bam suddenly began to cry harder onto his shoulder, Ville held onto to harder and tried to comfort him. Ville looked to the ground in front of him and saw black worn down boots covered in mud. An menacing laugh filled Ville's ears and sent chills down his spine.
           " Please don't hurt Bam anymore, he has had enough. Please just let us go," Ville pleaded with the psycho, as the psycho walked closer to them. Without warning the psycho began to slowly pull out a sharp silver dagger, from his back pocket. He began to run the silver dagger along his finger and smiled menancingly at Ville.
           "What can i don to have fun with you, you sure are pretty," the psycho said in Ville's direction. Bam had stopped crying against Ville's shoulder, but was still shaking. Suddenly Bam began to scream in agonizing pain, from the many bruises the psycho had left him with.
          "Shut up, or I will have to hurt you more. Than I could torture your pretty friend," the screamed. Stepping closer to Bam, he suddenly began to kick Bam in the ribs and stomach. Bam had fallen out of Ville's lap and was laying on the floor holding his ribs and crying from the pain. Ville was on the verge of tear, all he could hear was Bam quietly repeating his name praying for his help mixed in with Bam's crying. Ville was paralyzed with fear, the psycho had leaned down next to bam and was running the blade across Bam's cheek, slowly cutting into his skin. The knife becoming stained with Bam's blood. Tears ran down Bam's already tear stained face. 
     " Ville help me, get this monster away from me," fear was evident in his voice as he pleaded for help. The psycho stared at Ville,"What could you do to protect him?" the psycho said while staring into Ville's green eyes, while continuing to run the blade across Bam's pale cheek. When Ville didn't answer the psycho stood up, and sent one last blow to Bam's rib.
      "Answer me Dammit," the psycho screamed. Ville didn't know what to do, he knew if he did anything the psycho would be able to kill Bam or him that instant. Bam's cries of pain were becoming louder, when the psycho again brought the blade across his pale cheek and made a second larger incision.
         " Leave him alone," Ville screamed making the figure stop, he was on the verge of tears when he looked at his once strong blue eyed angel, now laying on the ground looking as if he would pass out at any moment.  The psycho's evil laughter filled Ville's ears again," okay," the figure whispered throwing Bam across the room against the wall. Ville crawled over to Bam, and pulled him into his arms and layed him in his lap. 
"ssshh, baby i'm here, I won't let him touch you again," Ville whispered to Bam, while he tried to comfort him.
"Bam, look at me please," Ville softly pleaded, when Bam didn't move at all he became even more worried. He gently lifted Bam's chin and kissed Bam's forehead and wiped tears from his eyes. Pushing hair out of his face he leaned down and kissed Bam's forehead, and did anything that would comfort him, but nothing worked. 
               "Ville he is going to kill you and it is all my fault," Bam said crying onto Ville's shoulder. Ville wanted to kill the psycho for all he had done, but the main thing he had to do was calm Bam down before he made himself sick. 
        "Bam if you don't calm down you are going to make yourself sick," Ville said quietly, Ville could tell Bam was in alot of pain and all he wanted to do was talke it all away.

The psycho's evil laughter filled the room and entered Bam and Ville's ears.
"Awwwwww isn't that adorable, Is Bam afraid for his little Ville?" The psycho leaned down and whispered in his ear. "What i am going to do to him shouldn't hurt that much, or maybe it will we will let him decide. I am going to make him cry like the little girl that he truly is, and I haven't told you the best part yet, you get to watch the whole thing, that is if you wake up." Bam immediately began to cry harder than ever onto Ville's shoulder. The psycho just smiled menacingly at Ville, like he was expecting something. Ville kissed Bam on the forehead and wiped tears that were falling down his already tear stained face. 
              "ssssshhhhh, kulta It will all be okay," Ville whispered to Bam, while rubbing his back in small circles.  "What did you say to him?" Ville screamed at the psycho, when he noticed him staring at him with that evil smile. He looked down at Bam, to find that he had fallen asleep in his arms, Ville just hoped that it wasn't permanantly. The psycho sat on the bed staring at the two people sitting on the floor up against the wall. He looked as if he didn't do anything wrong, "oh well nothing really, just what I am going to do you and him, basically what is going to happen next," the psycho said in a voice barely over a whisper. Ville saw the psycho stand up and walk over to them, he could tell the monster was holding a blunt object in his hand. All he could feel was the object hitting him. The last thing he saw before he slipped into darkness was the psycho lifting an unconsonsciousness Bam and hearing his blue eyed angel cries for help.

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