The origin of love...

Jul 19, 2006 18:18

The origin of love is “eat.” To eat is to consume food - the most wholesome and enjoyable of all known activities. To understand the connection between eat and love, we must explore the past tense form. The past tense of eat is “ate” - which means you no longer had food you once did. This disappearance of food is a cause for alarm and aggression at the least. People often raid neighbors’ homes or drop atom bombs on close relatives when they realize they no longer have their once cherished food. During the age of enlightenment a group of traveling philosophers tried to stop the outbreaks of beatings and murders due to the lack of food by adding an “H” to the end of ate. Luckily this halted most post-consumption crimes, but we, unfortunately, now hate one another incessantly yet cannot remember why. And with the origin of hate gone, we have also misplaced the origin of love. Today we blame religion, politics, greed, gluttony, arrogance, vanity, and polka dots for our unwarranted anger and we associate equally foolish things to love. So thus, we return to the start of the topic and I ask one and all to spread the word and remind the world why we love and why we hate.
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