Can We Make Time (for SoUnlike_me)

Dec 25, 2010 23:24

Title: Can We Make Time
Pairings: Obviously Bam/Ville 
Rating:  R
Summary: Can Bam make Ville take some time to relax over the holiday season?
Disclaimer: Pure Fiction.
A/N: This is my first Vam so I hope that you like it dear and that it's at least semi what you wanted :)

Monday, December 19th.
    Bam sulked on his moms couch the football game not holding his interest anymore after having his ego bruised. April and Ville could hear Bam huffing and puffing and flipping and flopping on the couch but ignored him choosing to go on talking about Christmas plans over paying attention to him. They had big problems than his boredom, they were planning the annual Christmas dinner that was almost always two days or longer depending on how many of Bam’s hooligan friends showed up and form how Bam was talking it was going to be over twenty of them at least dropping off if not staying the night. They only had a week now to plan it all and get things ready. For the hundredth time Bam sighed and flopped at his mother and boyfriend watched from the bar and Phil gave them a pleading looking because Bam was interrupting his game watching. Between the two April had an evenly divided list she would do half and Ville would do other half, they learned years ago not to ask Bam for help.
    “Alright well it sounds like there will be at least fifteen more people than last year so I think we should only make two turkeys and then do two hams, because I don’t want to try and cook four or five turkeys.” She tore the two sheets of paper she was writing on in half and handed two of the halves to Ville. “ I can not thank God enough that you have almost the whole month of December of work every year.” April stood up and pulled her coat on and kissed Ville on the cheek. “Bye dear see you tomorrow.” She shuffled into the living room to gather her husband, “Come on Phil.”
    “But the games on….”
    “We live five minuets away you wont miss anything.” Ville watched as Phil stood up and was making about the same face his son was. As April went sweeping past the couch she kissed the top of Bam’s head and then left with Phil who gave Ville and Bam a quick wave. Bam slouched even further down the couch just staring at Ville, so Ville stared right back at him.
    “So I suppose this means your not going to have any time for me?” Bam jutted out his lower lip.
    “ It’s only for this week and it’s not like I wont see you we live in the same house you know. Anyways you still have to work this, I would guess the ad agency would be busier than ever right now.”  Ville stood up and sauntered over to the couch laying his hands on Bam’s thighs when a thought occurred to him. “Why are you home? It’s only one o’clock.”
    “ Well its part of your Christmas present, I’m on vacation this week.” Ville smiled and moved his hands up Bam’s body as he leaned in again he stopped.
    “This is an actual vacation right you didn’t get fired again?”  Bam glared at the man on top of him.
    “It’s a real vacation.”  Ville smiled again and let his lips find Bam’s and his arms snake around his waist.  “I was hopei….” Ville’s emerald eyes lit up as he looked up at Bam.
    “This means that you can help this year.”
    “Vill actually….”
    “I mean we have a lot of people coming! My family, your family of course, co-workers from the ad agency and the college, some of your clients, and friends from high school. Ape and me can use a lot of help.” Ville nestled into Bam’s chest content to just sit there for a few, he didn’t seem to notice that Bam had been trying to tell him something. “Will you help this year?” Ville was now setting on Bam’s lap giving him that look he couldn’t resist, because he looked so hot, his lips all pouty and his eyes big and pleading.
    “Yeah I’ll help.” Bam groaned as he said it and went to pull Ville in for a kiss but the man was already up and flitting about so he went back to pouting.
Tuesday the 20th
    The alarm was buzzing loudly as Bam rolled over and pulled the blankets up as he wrapped his arms around Ville. Ville aloud Bam to lay there for a few minuets before he tangled himself to get dressed. When Ville turned around from the dresser Bam was still in bed.
    “Are you getting up?”
    “It’s not even light out.” Bam mumbled from under a mound of blankets.
    “ You get up this time everyday….” Bam but Ville off.
    “That’s when I’m not on vacation.” Bam sat up, his curls unruly and blue eyes still unfocused. “Plus I ne….”
    “Sweetie what you need to do is get out of bed.” Ville straddled Bam’s legs and gave him a pleading look.  Bam pulled Ville so they were laying down again his hands running down the older mans back.
    “This is not the way to get me out of bed.” Bam smirked and kissed Ville his tongue running over the mans lower lip. Ville shook his head and got up.
    “Later Bam, we have shopping to do right now.” Bam let out an exasperated sigh but got out of bed, mumbling about “mind games”.
    Wal-Mart parking lot was already insanely full and they had to park way far out much to Bam’s disappointment, it was cold, to early, and he didn’t want to be out shopping. Ville bustled to the store front and grabbed a cart calling to his boyfriend like he was a four year old who wouldn’t listen.
    “Okay today we are just going to get the decorations and the snack food like pop and things like that.” Ville had stopped in the middle of an isle to consult with Bam on the color of lights. “Okay so do we want Purple in the living room? Yeah I think the dark purple lights look good against the light purple of the walls.” Bam stood their and looked at Ville as if he were crazy as he answered his own question. “Then multicolored for the bar of course. I like the red in the kitchen it looks nice with the black and white.” Ville stood their mussing while he looked at all the different brands. It took him at least twenty minuets to pick them out and they weren’t even close to done shopping Bam saw how much was left on the list over Ville’s shoulder.
    “Are we doing this same thing tomorrow?” Bam was dragging his feet, he had never spent so much time in Wal-Mart in his entire life.
    “No.” Ville sounded offended. “Tomorrow we are getting all the groceries and me and your mom will start baking.” 
    As the trip wore on they had already been there for almost two hours and Ville was now sending Bam out for an other cart, he was tempted to just leave Ville there but then thought better of it.
Wednesday the 21st
    Bam was up and ready before Ville was because he hadn’t gone to sleep. He had stayed up to put the lights up for Ville he even hooked them up to a system so that they blinked with how much noise was in the house. Bam hadn’t realized how much work went into his holiday party. He didn’t just put the lights up he also put up the garlands and wraiths that weren’t already up. If any child came to their house they would have thought they were at Santa’s work shop. The night of no sleep though had left Bam a bit cranky. It also didn’t help that he didn’t think he was going to be able to sneak off and get part of Ville’s Christmas present ready. So he enlisted Ryan to do this he also got the help of his father. He had something very special planned for Ville this Christmas but he didn’t think he was going to be able to pull Ville away from all the party planning, he was starting to despise his own party. He sat at the bar downing the last of his coffee as he heard Ville shuffling down the steps. He got up and got a plate of pancakes and bacon and coffee for Ville.
    “Morning Vill.” Ville stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked around the room like he had never seen it before. “I figured we should eat before we go out today.” He walked over to Ville and kissed down his neck as he walked the man over to the bar. “Ville babe, Tomorrow I think we should….” Ville turned and crashed his lips to Bam’s his finger running through the others curls. They bumped into the bar, Bam’s fingers danced under Ville’s shirt. Ville nipped Bam’s ear and pushed him off leading him by the hand to the couch. He pushed him down and startled his lap. Ville’s fingers worked Bam’s shirt up and off as he ground his hips into Bam’s with a steady rhythm. Ville undid the zipped of Bam’s jeans as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip….
    There was a loud crash that made both Bam and Ville jump awake on the couch, luckily they were both wrapped in a throw.
    “Oh come on, that’s what you have a fucking bed for!” Ryan turned around as soon as he had looked over the edge of the couch.  Ville got up quickly and gathered his cloths to go and get dressed.
    “You know most people knock Dunn. I mean it’s my house I can fuck where ever I want to.” Bam threw his cloths back on hastily and gave Ville an apologetic smile when he came back down stairs.
    “Sorry Ville.” Ryan went over to the bar and pulled out a beer and sat down.
    “It’s fine Ryan.”
    “I don’t get an I’m sorry?” Bam said going over to the bar.
    “No.”  Both Ville and Ryan said at the same time. Bam was getting a beer out of the fridge but it was whisked away by Ville who jumped because Johnny had just walked in and took it from him.
    “Damn I need to start coming here more often if the service is this good, I didn’t even have to ask for a beer.” Johnny sat down smirking, Ville ignored him.
    “Bam we need to go to the store still.” Bam’s face fell he had forgotten, Ville just smiled at him. “Sorry to leave you boys but we will be back in an hour.” Ville went out to wait by the car but did not miss what Bam said.
    “Don’t believe him it will be an other year, see you next Christmas.”
    “I cant believe that they are already at the house I mean is every fucking coming early!? My family is at the house now and so are a couple friends from Finland and your idiots are already there!” Bam didn’t say anything Ville had been in this mood since they left and he had heard his smartass remark. Bam’s phone started going off and he excused himself from Ville saying it was work.
    “Hey Phil did you go to the jewelry store?” Bam bit his lip. “Okay good I will pick it up tonight,” Bam hung up and called Ryan. “Hey is everything set up? Okay, yeah. Thanks man.” Everything was in place for Ville’s Christmas present besides for Ville.
Thursday the 22nd
    “Ville can we talk?” The kitchen was unbearably hot as both ovens were going and there were things on the stove cooking.
    “Can it wait.” They both had to yell over the noise from the jukebox and the TV.
    “Well not rea….” Again Bam was interrupted as the fudge started to boil over the pan.
    “I really need to be in here to help your mom we will talk later promise.”
    Bam had to admit that the house was beautiful and smelled delicious thanks to April and Ville but he desperately wanted to talk to Ville alone. To get this done he went to his mother because he had been shooed off once again by his boyfriend who was now wrapping presents with his own mother.
    “Ape! Ape! Hey April!? MOM!” That got Aprils attention.
    “Oh sorry what Bam?” She wiped her hands off and leaned against the counter.
    “I know you need Ville’s help right now but I need him more.”
    “What are you talking about you need him more? That makes no sense Bam.”
    “ I am going to take him away for a few day’s but we will be back here on Christmas day. Please help me get him out of the house?” April sighed but smiled.
    “Yeah but can I know why?” She got this knowing motherly smile.
    “Well… okay but I swear if you tell anyone.” April walked over to Bam and he whispered into her ear and she shrieked. Ville and many others came running into the kitchen asking what was wrong.
    “Oh I was on the counter and fell but Bam caught me.” Everyone excepted the lie. ‘Hey Ville dear how about you and Bam sneak out for a few tonight me and Phil have got things covered.” After a half hour of persuading Bam and Ville finally left the house, little did Ville know Bam had two bags packed and they were not going out to diner. Bam turned left out of town instead of going to the small Italian place.
    “Where are you going?” Ville sounded a little panicked as his eyes swept over the empty fields of the Pennsylvanian countryside.
    “Don’t kill me, but for tonight and tomorrow night we are staying at a cabin just you and me. It’s part of my Christmas gift to you. I mean you always want us to have alone time and now was perfect, you made it insanely….” Ville leaned over and kissed him passionately. “Hard.” Bam finished out of breathe.
    “It is perfect, I would never be mad at you for something like this Bammie.:” Ville took Bam’s hand in his and let the country side take him away.
    The cabin was only two rooms but it was decorated with greens and deep reds for Christmas and candles were every where and there was already wood by the fireplace. Bam looked at his watch it was only nine o’clock he still had three hours until he needed to start his plan. They sat on the couch and talked about  how they met and just cuddled they hadn’t had time to do this in so long both busy with work all the time.
    Ville had drifted to sleep so Bam snuck off the couch and got the bottle of wine ready and made sure the fire was going strong. He had chocolate dipped strawberries ready and a blanket in front of the fire. He woke Ville because it was starting to snow out and he wanted to take a “walk”.  They were clinging to each other as Bam came to where he wanted to be in the woods, with the snow falling and the moon shining bright down on the frozen waterfall. He took both of Villes hands in his own and got down on both knees.
    “Ville Hermanni Valo…” Bam looked at his watch it was midnight. “Will you be with me for the rest of our lives.” He pulled out a red box that held a titanium band with a single garnet in the center. “ I really do love you.” Bam kissed the back of each of Ville’s hands.
    “I…Brandon of course I will.” He pulled Bam up to his feet and engaged him in a fiery kiss. The rest of the night was spent in front of the fire lazily making love. Neither man pied attention to time they were in their own wintry heaven.
Sunday the 25th
    Ville kissed down Bam’s chest his fingers lazily massaging his shoulders and down his arms. The last two days had spent like this but it was Christmas and they had to go home.
    ‘We should be getting back.” Bam’s breath hitched as Ville’s breath trickled over his erection.
    “Not until after this love.” Bam gasped as the warmth of Ville’s mouth enveloped him. Ville swirled his tongue right under the tip where he knew it made Bam moan and was not disappointed. Bam’s hands were in his hair tugging gently as he bobbed his fingers now massaging Bam’s balls, he gave a light squeeze as he left his tongue delve into Bam’s slit. He began to bob again, Bam was now thrusting his breath ragged. He moaned as Ville sucked one last time they both moaned and it sent Bam over the edge. He lay there seeing starts as Ville back and wiped his chin before going up for a kiss. ‘Now we can go.”
    The house was bustling as Ville and Bam made their rounds as party host’s refreshing drinks and chatting with people they wouldn’t see again until next year and others that they would see way to soon. As soon as they had gotten their everyone already knew about Bam and Ville. The night was spent partying with Family and Friends, neither mans smile had faded the whole night. Bam would catch Ville every now and then looking at the ring in the light and decided that next he would take Ville there again it would be a new Christmas tradition. It may have taken Bam what felt like a life time to finally get Ville alone but it was worth it. Bam walked over and spun Ville in his arms before kissing him. “Merry Christmas babe.”
    “Merry Christmas.” Ville whispered as they both snuck out the back door to the quiet for a few.
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