OK, it's Tuesday morning, and I'm sitting in my hotel room waiting for my room mate to finish her packing.
The con was great. I arrived here on Friday in the pouring rain with just enough time to have lunch before the first the two choral workshop sessions I had agreed to run. Considering this was a general SF con with a very full programme even in the middle of Friday afternoon, we eneded up with over twenty people in the room, most of whom were not nMC members. After the workshop session I went to a fascinating talk by
la_marquise_de_ about the origins of the Arthur and Merlin legends, which unfortunately had to be cut short as she ran out of time - it's all politics, you know. Friday night was the Ceilidh, with music provided by
micktim's band, Pigeon English, and interval entertainment by the wonderful
telynor and the fabulous Playing Rapunzel.
Saturday morning I had the second choral workshop session, which was attended by a mixture of people who had been at the previous day's session and new people.
watervole's intention when she asked if someone could run this item, was that the workshop should perform in the cabaret. My response was "Only if I think they're good enough." The sound I was hearing from the the workshop participants at the end of that second hour was wonderful, so I signed us up. The actual performance during the cabaret on Saturday, after the masquerade, went really well, the notoriously peculiar accoustics of the main function room did not upset the group cohesion unduly, and many people told me afterwards, that the choir were the highlight of the cabaret.
Sunday morning meant music quiz - not my finest hour... There were three teams, and the audience beat us all. Great fun. Sunday evening, we had the now traditional g/i/g/ homecoming by Mitch Benn, who was scurrilous, "adult" and great fun.
On Monday I went to more programme items than I had over the rest of the weekend, which was fun. I learnt about submitting scripts to the BBC, learnt about the parallels between the Sikh holy scripture and the Christian Gospel of St John, and fell asleep during a discussion on the morals and ethics of Dollhouse.
Filk circles happened every evening, but were small and tended to wrap up shortly after midnight - there were complaints from people who turned up at 1.30 ready join in, who were disappointed to find no-one there.
A big Thank you to the whole of the Odyssey 2010 committee for all their hard work. I had a great time.