Apr 02, 2014 17:45
So our feline overlords have been in charge for just over a week. Most of the time they have ruled from under things. Initially they hid under the linen cupboard in the back room where we had put their litter trays. Then, when we allowed them into the kitchen, they found a way of getting under some particularly tall kitchen units in the side room. And the last three days or so, they've hidden under one of the two sofas. Having said that, Amber (Mum) did spend some time sleeping on the sofa both yesterday and today, while Coral (daughter) stayed underneath. And today Amber even let me share her sofa and stroke her head. I am duly grateful for the great honour that she bestowed upon my most unworthy self. :) Unfortunately the arrival of the window cleaner sent them both diving under the sofa again.
via ljapp