I realise I haven't posted for a while, so here's a brief catchup.
In June I went to DFDF in Germany and had a great time. I sang "Following in Valentina's Footsteps" in the Main Concert on Saturday, the day before the 50th Anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova's historic flight in Vostok 6. Unfortunately when I flew home on the Monday, I brought a nasty cold with me, which made my ears hurt. I then spent a week in Northumberland on Holy Island with D and friends who are on LJ but not on Dreamwidth, and of course I'm posting this in Dreamwidth...
And we came home and started planning our move in earnest, as finally we exchanged contracts on the sale of our house and agreed a completion date.
Pickfords have delivered lots of cardboard boxes for us to pack our books. Will there be enough? Um. Perhaps...
So we now have one more week in our house before completion and we become homeless. As regards the house purchase, we are in a limbo. We don't know whether we'll be homeless for a weekend, in which case we'll probably stay in a Premier Inn somewhere, a week, in which case we'll take up friends' kind offers of temporary accommodation, or longer, which may mean an interim short term letting somewhere. So we have storage arranged with Pickfords.
So yesterday, David took me out to lunch for my birthday. I had a lovely time, and we picked up some ice cream on the way home. Very indulgent.
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