Just back from a remarkable writers workshop that I really need to write about, but I wanted to first mention a few recent publications. I don't always remember to write about them in a blog entry, but I do try to keep my Valya's Works page updated (
A few things recently published:
“Phantom Leaf Effect,” “Tree People,”and “I need to sleep on this poem,” Black Fox Literary Magazine (Summer 2015)
Shower Muse,” Scheherezade’s Bequest - Volume 1, Issue 2 - Something Rich and Strange: Tales from the Sea (Summer 2015)
It's a wonderful issue and such great writing. I'm honored to be a part of it. (Nice write-up about this issue in
Fairy Tale News.)
In case you missed it, a fun little molecular gastronomically inspired story in the March Monster issue of Schlock Magazine: “
Cask,” Schlock Magazine (March 2015)
More soon!