so... my dad and i stopped at a thrifstore yesterday to look around for some bike stuff, etc, and i found these vases. now, the really fabulous thing is that i'd seen these at Costplus WorldMarket last year at xmas, and had drooled over them then, but the taller one was $35, and the shorter one was $20.
how do i remember? i don't. i just remembered they were too expen$ive for me. but the original costplus tags are still on them ;)
anyway, at the thriftstore, they were marked at $13 and $8.50. i decided i could afford the smaller one, and took it up to the counter. discovering they were then HALF OFF the thriftstore price, i rushed back and got the bigger one too. so, for $10, i got what would have originally cost $55. woo hoo :D