Jul 13, 2006 16:48
ok, i've encountered this problem a couple of times before, but went on with my life.
well, this is it. i'm frustrated as hell and i ain't gonna take it no more!
so... i've tried uploading about 5 pics (all from the same folder, with the same kind of file "naming" format if that matters), but only got 2 up, with 3 others giving me the following message (changing the name of the file for each rejection).
Error sending file
Error: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation.
so, any ideas on why some with almost identical names except for the number and sometimes a short description are successfully uploaded, whilst others get that error message? i mean, what is a "handle" anyway (the only thing i can think of is back in CB radio days, it was a user's name), and just what state is it supposed to be in?