Michigan Tackles Peak Coal with Renewable Energy Payments

Feb 04, 2009 17:00

The State of Michigan is poised to tackle peak coal with a new set of initiatives announced by Governor Granholm during the annual state-of-the-state address.

Michigan would utilize a "renewable energy payment" or "feed-in tariff" to jump start the installation of green electricity generation within the state. In the Governor's own words:

By the year 2020, Michigan will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels for generating electricity by 45 percent. We will do it through increased renewable energy, gains in energy efficiency and other new technologies. You heard me right: a 45 percent reduction by 2020.

How will we reach this 45-by-20 goal and get the jobs that come with it? Instead of spending nearly $2 billion a year importing coal or natural gas from other states we’ll be spending our energy dollars on Michigan wind turbines, Michigan solar panels, Michigan energy-efficiency devices, all designed, manufactured and installed by. . .Michigan workers.

I will ask the Legislature to make Michigan the first state in the nation to let every homeowner, every business, become a renewable energy entrepreneur who can make money by installing solar panels or wind systems on their home or business and selling that renewable energy back to the power company. Through this legislation, we will create a powerful new market for large and small turbines and solar panels made by Michigan workers.
The concept of the renewable energy payment is very straightforward. Any individual or business could put up solar electric panels or wind turbines and be paid for it. The local electric utility would be required to hook up and purchase all electricity generated. The utility would also sign a contract to continue payments for at least twenty years. The rates would be set initially by the state legislature, but then adjusted by the state's public service commission.


Detroit Free Press - Full Text of Speech
Renewable Energy Payments in U.S.A.
Michigan's Renewable Energy Resource Act - House Bill 5218 of 2008

The governor detailed five steps to help the state meet this ambitious goal, including allowing citizens and businesses to sell electricity generated from solar and wind power back to the utility companies, creating a Michigan Energy Corps to put thousands of unemployed citizens back to work weatherizing homes, schools and other buildings and launching Michigan Saves, a program to help citizens and businesses install energy efficiency products with no up-front costs. -- Major Initiatives in State of the State Address

governor, jobs, renewable, electric, feed-in tariff, wind, natural gas, gas, turbine, feed-in, energy, electricity, michigan, fossil fuels, solar, payment, utility, fuel, coal, tariff

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