I had fun this past weekend at the "
Peak Oil & Community Solutions" conference. I took my new prosumer video camera and recorded most of the talks. I now have the following on mini-DV tapes in DV format.
* David Korten - The Great Turning
* Pat Murphy - The End of Industrial Agriculture
* Larry Halpern - Low-Tech Home Energy Retrofit
* Bob Steinbach - Riders Needed for Community Transportation
* Linda Wigington - Reducing Energy Use in Existing Homes
* Murphy, Wingington, Halpern, Steinbach - Panel Q & A
* Sharon Astyk - Mini-CSA: Growing Your Own Food, Plus Some
* Thomas Princen - The Consumption Challenge - Group Discussion
* Richard Heinberg - Worldwide Relocalization Efforts
* Thomas Princen - Principles for Sustainability
* Richard Heinberg - Peak Everything
* Judy Wicks - Local Living Economies (BALLE)
* Megan Quinn Bachman - Curtailment and Community + Interview
My purpose in recording these was many.
1. For my own personal archive (my memory doesn't cut it)
2. To provide for others on the Internet
3. To share with friends
4. To use with Local Future clubs
5. In case I think of a reason in the future
Of course, all of this is time consuming. Sharing them requires making DVDs. Putting them on the Internet requires compression. Making them interesting for the majority requires cutting them down to 10-20 percent of their current length.
Putting them on the Internet is a bit of a process because, if done poorly, few will see the videos. I'm going to attempt to post both to Google Video and YouTube, write an short article embedding each video at this website, create a more profession page for the LocalFuture.org web site, and perhaps have it republished by Planet Thoughts, Community Service, and/or Global Public Media. Again, that is a lot of work, and a tall order, so we'll see how long my energy, time and interest hold up. There is already a lot of good peak oil stuff on the Internet, so I have to try to make sure that I'm not duplicating something that is already done.
I'm tackling the videos in the following order,
1. Larry Halpern
2. Megan Quinn
3. Judy Wicks
4. David Korten
After these, I'll have to decide which to do next. I found these four to be most interesting to me, although this is probably due to the amount that I have already learned about peak oil and the future. A newbie to peak oil would probably find other talks more interesting and/or important.
I may attempt to edit down Larry Halpern's talk to 10 minutes, so that I could post the entire thing (for free) on YouTube. I'll have to watch it and determine what the most important bits are. This, of course, is a time consuming task, so I may just leave that for someone else to do.
Luckily, I don't have to tackle this project all on my own. Community Service, the group that created the conference, is going to sell a complete set of all the videos on DVD. They used three different cameras, placed at good viewing angles, and had a sound technician making sure that the audio will come out very well. I've purchased these DVD's in the past two years, and found that the copies, packaging, and editing worked very well. It's also probably very easy to use these disks with a group of people, and I plan to do just that.
Click to read more on the Conference DVDs from Community Service Video taping is always fun for me, and I enjoyed the chance to have a sit down interview with Megan. Even though I have taught TV news production, I don't think I've ever done a real interview with anyone. After watching that interview, I did discover that a little prep at the beginning would have been helpful, specifically a well considered set of questions specific to the interviewee, a well lit location free of distractions, a very quite spot or good microphone set up, an understanding about the lenght of the interview, and some things to say to introduce, and then wrap up the interview.
Overall, the conference was a success, the video taping was a success, and I'm looking forward to spending a little time and attention on this project.