The Local Future Network - The Value System of the Future

May 25, 2007 19:30

Nearly a year ago, I created the web site for the Local Future Network. The concept is fairly simple. Our current civilization is headed in the wrong direction, but we have time to turn the corner, and head the right way.

As I thought about civilization, I realized that the entire value system of modern society is structured in such a way to make it very difficult to change direction. Not only are the institutions structured around this system of values, but they are ingrained in each individual from birth, right up to this very moment.

Given this, I started exploring the values, and the rank order of them, that would be sustainable indefinitely. Values and issues of freedom, compassion, truthfulness, all came to the forefront, and, at the time, I did a fair bit of reading and writing on this.

One, but probably not the best, exploration on this value system.

But this exploration has provided me with a bit of a dilemma, a conundrum.

If I am certain that the ultimate goal needs to be this change in direction of the very value system of civilization, how do I structure an organization that is guaranteed to head in that direction? And, how do I build in enough flexibility that if tweaks to the value system need to be made, that they can be? And, do I need to formalize this value system in writing before being able to determine the structure of the Local Future Network (LFN)?

These questions have tickled, intrigued, haunted, and eluded me throughout this year. People have emailed me, requesting information on LFN, and how to join, and what they can do. It is about time that LFN find a purpose, and begin serving it, because there are those out there who are ready, and willing, to become active.

Years before the web site was born, I pondered how to structure an organization that is perfectly democratic... even so far as every member having both input and voice on every single decision that is made by said organization. In the past, I have been close to several organizations that either have the guise of democracy, or who seem to run well (but really don't) without it. In my observation, only a truly grassroots, democratic organization will be able to lead and organize a movement that has any hope of causing lasting and meaningful culture change.

My concern is that a random group of people, given a perfectly democratic organization, will head off in the most middle of the road direction. The Local Future Network, on the other hand, is meant to lead the entire membership off in a new direction, which is entirely outside of the direction of any of the members. How does one structure a democratic organization whose core value system does not exist within any of the members, other than perhaps in their idealized mind?

The last essay I wrote (just a few minutes ago) is about leadership.

"A good leader can’t get too far ahead of his followers." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Does the Local Future Network need to be structured to simply point the members to the next step, but not necessarily show the final destination? What would this look like, exactly? Is there a way to structure LFN so that it's goal is to only take the members one step, after which it's job is done? I think that may be what is necessary in this case.

There is a job to be done: in fact, there are several.

* Individuals need to learn about peak oil, global warming, money, etc. and how their actions and inactions impact the world.
* Individuals need to find ways to alter their actions to decrease their impact on the world.
* Individuals need to reach out to others in order to help both themselves, and others, decrease their impacts on the world.

Is that what the Local Future Network is meant to do? If so, perhaps it is time to end the conjecture, to finalize the goals, and to get this organization (and movement) off the ground.

Here is the site: Local Future Network

What do you think?

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