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After watching the socially inept hottie Robert Pattinson on Tyra, I was immediately struck with a very bad case of Second-hand shame. I now come to realize it is all thanks to Ms. Banks. And so I quickly plead..Enough Tyra Banks. I beg you to cease you arrogant, self-indulgent talk-show conversations. End the holier than thou-you are helping society/young women/body image/world hunger/plight of strippers.Discontinue America's next top model,put it out of it's pathetic misery. Enough.
In other news I need to get back to sleep. I have an appointment with my optometrist and specialist. My right eye gets periodically pink despite no irritation. I am very anxious to say the least. I took a nap as soon as I got home but now I am awake and pondering the insanity that is Ty Ty.