Some thoughts

Sep 15, 2008 22:02

-I want to start swimming at the YMCA ( and it' NOT because of the Olympics or Michael (paper bag sex) phelps).

-I find that in my last hours of fasting I bake like crazy.
The past two weeks I made: Gateau Breton (a french butter cake), Strawberry Shortcakes, Pomegranate ice cream, Apple crisp, and Victoria sponge cake. Today I made roast chicken though...Ina garten is my enabler.

-The Tina fey skit made me incredibly happy even though nothing surrounding Sarah palin should.

-Conservative Feminism both confuses and fascinates me.

-I hate when my brother is so keenly right about my potential.

-I'm in a musical rut and contemporary music ain't cutting it.

-Middle Earth closed down and I am so devasted, now where am I supposed to buy random/incredible

-I just saw the trailer for the new film about Harvey Milk. Strangely enough I saw some documentary about sex in America a few months ago and he was mentioned which sparked me intrest then. Needless to say, the trailer gets me so chocked up it looks bloody fantastic. Go watch it.

-I finally rented "The Dead poets society" the other day. It's been on my movies to see list for awhile now.
I cried. I cried like a bitch.It was wonderful without being too preachy like most of those formulaic teacher films. I want to be fucking Robin Williams (sans hairy-ness) in this movie. Spewing the Walt Whitman and taking literature and creating a personal link with the students.I want to be that teacher-oh so terribly. The end with the 'O captain' bit was beautiful and perfect.

verbal diarrhea

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