May 30, 2006 10:23
Okay, so I'm procrastinating and not wanting to write my paper. Sound familiar? So, since I haven't updated all weekend, here's what's been going on. Oh, and the reason I didn't update was mostly because my internet cable suddenly died this weekend. Blah.
~I got a major haircut. As in, 12 inches got cut off. If I weren't lazy, I'd put pictures up (my camera hasn't been emptied since February), but basically my hair used to be down to the middle of my back and now it's barely to my chin. I tied it together and donated it to Locks of Love, so now some child whose hair fell out can have a wig made of mine. Pretty cool, huh?
~I saw Andrew for the first time in forfreakingever. Okay, well, over a month. I went over to his place on Friday night and we ended up talking literally until the sun came up. 9 hours! Geez! And we did it again, to some extent, last night. LOL.
~I got no homework done. Whoops. But I did relax a lot and take a lot of naps. Yay.
~I watched the tape of the Will and Grace finale that my parents had made. It was cool because I got to watch it with my "Will" (namely, Andrew), and yes, it was bittersweet. I'll have to watch it again sometime.
~I went to Alexandra's wedding reception, which was cool except it was FREEZING. I'm sorry, Shauna, for not saying goodbye, but I didn't know I was leaving-- I thought I was just going to the car to sit and warm up for a while. And then, uh, my mom decided to go. Whoops. Yummy food and cute pictures. Yay. And I talked to Doug and Mark (as in Bollwinkel... is that how it's spelled?) about ideas for a college-age church function thing, and they want to talk to me about that. Interesting.
~I'm not proud of this, but I also did some stuff to hurt Steven. We talked about it, though, so we'll see how things go. Not breaking up, which is good, because I was honestly worried, but I'm feeling better about things now, and I hope he is too. =)
~I got Nightlife!! YAYY!!! I don't have time to play it, but I did go in and make a new Margie sim with übershort hair and NL clothes. Whee! NOW SHE CAN SING KARAOKE!!!! AND DRIVE! AND YAYY!!!
So I guess that's about it. The most major thing is that I cut off all my hair. It's kind of a shock (KIND of??) but I'm getting used to it. It's a helluva lot easier to deal with, and I feel really good that I was able to donate my hair to someone who could use it better than I could. It's a pretty color, too. =)
I don't want to write this stupid grant proposal. I don't know how to do it. Garrrrghh.
procrastination nation,