Sisweb is a demon for making it difficult to work out my schedule

Sep 26, 2005 14:57

I think I'm trying to do too much. Not that I just realized this, but... I'm wondering if perhaps I don't want to work on my minor right now (formerly psychology, then English, and now going toward film studies, so I have no idea what it's going to be) and just... take it easy for once. I don't know if I have time to do that, though... but right now I'm looking at 23 units and I think maybe that's a bad idea.

Sociology: 4
Theory: 4
Chorus: 2
Chamber Singers: 2
Intro to Film: 4
Conducting: 2
Computer/Electronic Music: 2?
Composition: 2? (These might be 3, I have no idea)
Harpsichord lessons: 1

*two hours later*

Sociology: 4
Theory: 4
Chorus: 2
Chamber Singers: 2
Composition workshop: 3
Conducting: 2

Much better. Now, assuming I can get into composition and sociology (I changed the time so I had to waitlist)... I'm #1 on the soc waitlist, #5 on the composition one. Yeesh.

I'm beginning to freak out big-time about my future plans. There are a few directions I can see myself going into, but most of them have something standing in my way. As much as I want to tell myself I can handle going to SoCal for a while, or whatever... I don't think I'd fare very well. I need to be close to home, and people who are important to me. I already know this year is going to be much harder because there's no Andrew at Davis anymore, and Steven and I are closer now than we were a year ago at this point (okay, we weren't dating a year ago, but we pretty much were, haha)... and I mean, Shauna is graduating this Christmas and Will not long after. So my really close UCD friends (who, granted, were from LAUMC but still) won't be there, and that's going to be tough. It's not that I don't have friends at Davis... but the number of really close friends is rapidly diminishing. Like a 7th chord.

Anyway, here's my ideal schedule (i.e. what should happen if I get into all the classes I want):

Monday: Theory 9-10:50, MNR 7-9 (it is 7-9, right?)
Tuesday: Conducting 11-11:50, chorus 4-6, Soc 6:10-7:30, chamber 7:30-9:30
Wednesday: Theory 9-10:50
Thursday: Conducting 11-11:50, chorus 4-6, Soc 6:10-7:30, chamber 7:30-9:30
Friday: Theory 9-9:50, Soc 10-10:50

So basically Tuesday and Thursday are full again (but not 12 hours of class at least!) but Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are really open except for the morning. Meaning... I can work! YAY!

I hope this school year doesn't suck as much as the previous two have. =/

school, schedule, work

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