Suffering from grouchiness. Was off sick from work yesterday, and felt guilty about a) missing work b) doing nothing while not at work but sleeping. Back in the office today, and feel strangely reassured that other people are or were sick; manager informs me there's something going round.
Have ordered an SAD lamp in the hope that bright light will help get me out of the dumps. Missed lecture yesterday, and I'm not sure if I'm going to tonight's - still feel pretty rubbish. But I don't want to miss the lecture on Justinian, but I haven't done the reading... Yesterday's lecture-missing was not so bad, as it was on the Reformation, and I did a lot of stuff on that last year so can fill in the blanks for England, I guess. But I know naff all about Justinian. I might go to the lecture and skip out on the seminar, perhaps.
Riffling grumpily through WIPs. Hookers, Vikings, fairies, mermaids, Normans and Saxons, Regency romances, one where Tony has an elaborate Extremis hallucination that he's dating Steve, one where Steve is a secret agent and Tony is, more or less, a Bond girl. And one where Ult Steve is a... slutty Space Marine? *pulls hair* This is some side effect of monofannishness. When I see something cool, I just try and jam it into the fandom I already have. Writing four continuities on a regular basis probably helps. (I've written Big Bangs in movieverse, 616, Ultimates and Marvel Adventures.) It's like having multiple fandoms, really. Argh, tentacle sex. One where Steve thinks Iron Man is really a robot and reads books on artificial intelligences to try and work out whether Iron Man can love him back. Have at least made progress on auction fic, both wordcount and structural, but then sudden busy and sick, and the damn thing's on Scrivener which means I can only work on it at home. Work IT is awful awful. Every time I log into Gmail it tells me to upgrade to a modern browser.
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