Шашки в искусстве (27 часть)

Sep 26, 2016 01:02

NN Cafe Manoury. «Deux cents nouveau problemes recreatifs du jeu de dames a la polonaise» Laurent Commard. 1823

NN An anti-aircraft welfare centre. Thank you, Virgin Islands!

NN Chinese School Two paintings.

NN Chinese School Two paintings.

NN Le jeu aux dames d'après Wilkie. Stobwasser, Brunswick, около 1815-30

NN Men playing checkers.

NN Playing checkers.

NN Rabbits playing checkers postcard.

NN The winner of draughts competition in Leeds. 1899 (FORBES Malcolm S.)

NN Turkey. 1893

BENJAMIN Anthony (1931 - 2002) Checkers.

COOPER Eileen (*1953) The Draughts Players. 1982

DRAGO Ross ( ?? ) Grocery Checker.

FALBO Anthony ( ?? ) Double Or Nothing Painting.

FEDDEN Mary (1915 - 2012) The checked mug. 1987

van HOVE Francine (*1942) Dame à trois. 1997

LAKES Finger ( ?? ) Checker Players.

NICKERSON Carla ( ?? ) Ghanaian Checkers. 2000

de VORSS Billy (1908 - 1985) It's Your Move! 1950

de VOS Twan (*1961) Damspel. 2004

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