Nov 06, 2005 16:52
well this past week was interesting....I borrowed CSI season one from Rex @ Journeys (shh we're in love...hehe) and worked 61 hours....that about sums it up. I need to stop watching CSI straight through, I've been having some crazy dreams! Last night I had some nutty dream I dont want to even remember, but I also dreamed about my cincy friends (yeh i wrote cincy because i still cant spell it)I miss you guys! I dont think I've been down there since Dan and Sarah got hitched? can it really have been that long?? halloween reminded me how awesome haunted trails are with Sarah and Guthrie...hahaha.....and his girlfriend who didn't like how we volunteered him and his jacket for our protection....good times! and Jamie and Sarah.....=( I miss you guys. Jamie, if you read this....I'm sorry I havent returned your calls....I got your messages, but my phone is CRAZY and won't let me talk for more than two minutes without the battery dying .....sadness. Hope all is well though!
my mom is going to sell me her jet cool is that!
My boss is making me hire someone just to work a.m.
yeh we're talking like 5.35 for only like 10 hours a week in the morning......yeh no takers so far on that on. grr!
i've been using "Natures Cure" on my face.....and something is actually working! I may no longer be doomed to the complexion of a twelve year old....awesome.
lets see, i think that about covers anything remotely exciting in my life right now, so we'll leave it at that...