1/2 days ROCKKKK.

Nov 08, 2005 19:35

LJ is so back burner to everyone how is addicted to myspace....GET A LIFE!!!!!!!! but if your not out gettin one add me to your myspace;) haha. anywhore. nothing much new like always. my mom and bro came into town this past weekend ti was fun. umm took the SAT's and failed it even tho you can't fail the SAT's...haha i'm that dumb;( no joke. took my senior picks that same day...i'm sure they blew balls too whatev. oh today my cuzin shane he is special needs and 12 years old..haha made my day. he shaved his mustache with his mom and then i got home from wrestling practice and had shaved his eyebrows!!!!!!!!! haha made me laugh soooo hard. still laughing. it was funny. umm going to sitka for the weekend for wrestling. im pretty much stoked. it's ganna be fun fun. well that's about it. not much now. talk to you later. val
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