Popslash: In the Quiet

Jun 01, 2004 01:34

Title: In The Quiet
Disclaimer: I know nothing about these guys, their sexual preferences, or their sex lives. Fiction, man. All fiction.
Pairing: Lambs
Summary: They didn’t really talk in the mornings.
Feedback:Yes, thank you.
Archiving: Just please ask.
Author's Notes: Thanks to kimannebb and k_leale for the beta. You guys rock.

They didn’t really talk in the mornings.

Not unless they’d had sex before getting out of bed. Then they talked about anything they could think of; a holdover from their first time around. They’d been too young to really look each other in the eye and talk about sex so they’d talked about everything but sex. This was the third time around and that was the only habit, thankfully, that had stuck.

Most mornings Justin could barely get a grunt out before his cereal. And if he did manage actual conversation it was rarely anything good or pleasant. As a general rule Justin didn’t say a word outside of “’morning” before he was out the door.

Lance usually sat silently across the table reading the newspaper. Sometimes it was the Times, sometimes the trades. He’d never been overly talkative in the mornings, that Justin could remember, and he’d grown less so as the years passed. Lance hummed a “good morning” back and flipped to the next article of interest.

And that was breakfast.

Justin didn’t mind the silence, not really. They’d always spend the rest of the day talking nonstop in interviews, meetings, and recordings. Their careers seemed based on their abilities to continuously keep their mouths moving. The scarce hour they had between the alarm and the car ride was the only quiet either of them had all day. Justin kind of appreciated it actually. It gave him time to gather his thoughts, collect himself before the day began. He suspected that Lance enjoyed the silence even more.

On the car ride in-to the studio or wherever they were going that day, when they went together-Justin would talk about his plans or maybe hum out the new part of the song he was working on. Lance would fill Justin in on the state of the world, or sometimes the state of the industry, and-at the very least-the state of himself. The morning car rides always more than made up for their silent breakfasts.

But really, Justin kind of liked their silent morning ritual. Lance was one of the only people he’d ever felt comfortable being silent with. With most everyone else there was the sense that silence only came when he had nothing left to say or only wanted to say things that he couldn’t. With Lance, the hush was just a momentary pause in an endless conversation. Justin never felt like he was missing anything by saying nothing.

The silence felt almost normal, just sitting there across the table from Lance, in the early morning light. It felt like something other couples did every day of the week. It felt like something ordinary people could do everyday of their lives.

It was the only thing in Justin’s life that felt like it could be normal. It made him think that maybe, just maybe, this time around he and Lance would last.
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