
Jan 13, 2004 01:11

Title: Tattoo
Author: Valour
Disclaimer: I don't know these guys. I don't know how they feel about each other. This is fiction. Don't sue.
Fandom: Popslash
Pairing: Lance/Chris
Summary: Chris knows exactly where Lance should get his new tattoo.
Feedback: yes, please
Archive: Just ask.
Author's Notes: For kimannebb.

"No. Absolutely not."

"Oh come on now."

"Chris, I am not getting your name tattooed on my-- I'm just not." Lance folded his arms across his chest.

“What could be a better tattoo than that?" Chris actually looked quite sincere. (Well, considering that this was Chris, after all.)

Lance sighed. "I can't believe you're serious.

"I need to stake a claim on my territory." Chris poked Lance in the chest.

"You're terri--" Lance frowned. "You're just egging me on, aren't you?"

Chris smiled innocently. "Not at all. Everyone wants a piece of that fine bass ass."

Lance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Chris, you know how that was funny five years ago?"

Chris waited expectantly.

"It really wasn't."

" Well, maybe it wasn't a joke,” Chris smirked. “You do have a mighty fine ass."

"Chris!" Lance was clearly exasperated. "You're straight." He pointed at Chris for added emphasis.

Chris did not look phased. "That's debatable."

"Sexuality is not debatable." It was more a snappy comeback than anything else.

Chris clucked his tongue. “Bass, I'm surprised at you. Sexuality is a spectrum. You, I admit, are at the very gay end of that spectrum. And so, for that matter, is JC despite his complete and utter denial. The rest of us are at the 'not quite straight' end. So--"

"Chris!" Lance cut in.

"Yes?" Chris raised his eyebrows.

"You're not interested in me.” On this point Lance seemed pretty firm. “And since you are not interested in me I am certainly not getting your name tattooed on my ass so that you can lay claim to territory that you don't even actually want."

"Bass." Chris shook his head with pity.

"Yes?" Lance frowned slightly.

"Shut up." He grabbed Lance by the hair and kissed him quite thoroughly.

Lance was speechless. And also a little stunned. But smiling.

Chris grinned. “Now, about that tattoo…”
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