So, I don't dream. When I make that declaration in public, people often tend to respond with "I'm sure you dream. You just don't remember them." No, I just don't dream, and I'm 98% certain of this. When I was younger, I used to dream quite often, and I was always pretty good at remembering my dreams. Yes, certainly details would fade, but I was
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I've recently switched from an extra firm double stuffed pillow to a medium memory foam pillow and have dreamed every single night, no matter how many hours of actual sleep i'm getting, as long as its been more than three hours.
Both of us know that the human body can adapt and develop allergies. Its a scientific fact that sleep apnea patients don't enter REM sleep when their apnea begines. So, perhaps the conditions of you being an adult to sleep are not condusicve to your body entering REM. Something as simple as a pillow determines your head structure in relationship to the spine, affecting the windpipe and major blood vessels that feed the brain. Something to soft and the angle to obtuse, something to hard the angle is to acute.
Now, there is the argument that REM sleep is restorative. However, before the switch I was still waking up refreshed. The argument that I would add is that with the new pillow, I wake up with far more energy and not the "AH! ITS THE SUN" attitude I had before.
The body adapts and does what it can, which is why the social organism of humanity needs to be studies to determine 'normal' which could be different from 'beneficial'
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