★ every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Dec 31, 2009 22:08


I know I'm a bit early, but quite a few of you guys are already in 2010, so I thought I'd pop on by and give my well-wishings early. So I hope you guys are all having a blast tonight, whether you're at home, chilling or out and about and subsequently not reading this. I'll probably be kicking back with family and trying to catch the dog before he hides from the fireworks under some heavy furniture.

I wanted to post something all ~*~meaningful~*~ and/or poignant and/or well... anything, but after the day I had at work and after the dinner I just had, my brain is half mush and in serious need of some coffee. Or tea. Or maybe both but not all at once.

So farewell, 2009! You were a crappy year economically and a somewhat crappy year in politics and an obscenely crappy year for celebrities, but you had your high points! This'll probably be my last post for the year (and thus, my last post in this little journal :D), but I'll catch y'all on the flipside from aroundight! ♥

this entry actually has a point!, new year

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