★ in the theatre of triggered memories

Dec 09, 2009 00:44

The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day.

सप्त! Finished up House of Leaves, so now I can properly gush about it. Spent far too much time reading about it on tvtropes, then lent it to my sister so she can become slightly paranoid and we can chat about it. :D

八! CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS! Followed by Prep and Landing which was super cute, I thought.

Oh, and because clearly all my happiness these past eight days has come from books, food, and recklessly spending money: I bought a tokidoki bag for fourteen bucks today. SCORE.

I fail at joy.


In non meme-news, I am questioning why I was actually celebrating getting early hours this week. Nothing beats out closing at midnight in the suck department, but these 6:45 and 7:45 start times suck major balls. I'm exhausted and feel fairly zombie-like. I love Christmas, but I could do without this. :|

ALSO it has been freezing. This morning my car told me it was 35 degrees. THE MOUNTAINS HAD SNOW! Epic. Horribly cold, but epic. I will be so disappointed if it heats up soon.

this is how the weather is, this meme is disturbingly positive, here is a meme, workination

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