Major Lorne yawned as he made his way to the conference room off the control room for the weekly senior staff meeting now regretting the late night poker game that had lasted longer than he’d thought it would. As he wandered past the dialing console he nodded a good morning to Fairfax who was on duty when he heard the gate activate behind him.
Turning slightly back towards Fairfax. “Who’s out at the moment? I thought all the teams….?”
“No one, Major.”
“The shield?” he yelled as he pulled his sidearm and ran to join the gate guards. Lorne noticed everyone who’d already made it to the conference room piling out and running towards the controls or the balcony. He saw Ronon charging across to the stairs gun already drawn and was glad the Satedan liked to keep his weapon on him at all times. He wished once again that the Colonel had managed to get some more of the guns from the Wanderers before they disappeared they’d be damned handy.
“Shield failure.” He heard Fairfax yell and almost tripped as he half turned in surprise.
“Get it up, dammit!” Lorne heard Sheppard yell as he managed to save himself and continue charging down the stairs.
“Chuck you idiot. What did you do?” Lorne heard McKay yell as he made it to the floor and took up a position across from the stabilising wormhole.
He noticed Teyla join him at the base of the stairs who’d obviously grabbed the first thing she could find as a weapon. From the looks of it one of the support sticks from one of the taller pot plants to use for the stick fighting style she favoured so much. He could see from the corner of his eye Ronon was covering the gate from the balcony and he could hear Sheppard yelling for security teams, he just hoped they were able to hold whoever it was off long enough for them to get here….
“What the hell?” Lorne could see, standing just in front of the event horizon, a young human girl approximately six or seven years old with flawless skin and brunette hair staring around the room.
Smiling happily she looked at him from across the room “Do you know where my daddy is?”
“Your father? I’m sorry but I don’t know who that would be.” Exchanging a puzzled look with Teyla, Lorne began to cautiously move towards the girl, thinking she didn’t look dangerous but knew looks could be deceiving.
“Careful Major.” He heard the Colonel call out from the balcony. As he looked on her face lit up at the sight of Sheppard on the balcony.
“Daddy.” He heard her call out as she ran across the room happily, ignoring everyone but the colonel, heading for the stairs.
As the stargate deactivated Lorne could see everyone in the gate room and gate control watch in stunned amazement as the little girl hurtled up the stairs to Sheppard throwing her arms around him happily.