An essay/blabber on my current relationship with HIM

Oct 20, 2011 15:29

Hey there. I have vanished for a while but I wasn’t gone - not really. Let’s say it’s been a long while since I’ve wandered ‘round here, haven’t I? First of all, I’ll warn you guys that this WON’T BE any sort of “proper” post by any means. Hence, if you’re only in for that, then feel free to skip that post of mine and give me a break. Thanks in advance, I won’t bother with nasty comments.

So yeah, I am indeed very alive. Well, I shouldn’t go as far as to say “very” alive, since in fact I am not that much alive these days. My midterms have been going on and on for so long that my spirits tend to lie in a very uninspiring and sinister place nowadays. Ironically enough, this is not the first post I’ve written since the past months. Where are the others, will you say? Well I haven’t posted these. And I probably won’t but that’s not the topic anyway.

I’ve realized some things about HIM since I’ve drifted away from “It” for so long. For those of you who don’t recall (or did I even say it? I can’t remember), I started university this fall in mechanical engineering.  So here is the thing. I’ve just realized that life without HIM is very... disappointing. I miss going on here and reading loads of posts with new pictures and funny threads. The excitement is gone, so to speak, but the love remains nonetheless. Starting university meant to me that I wouldn’t get to listen to my HIM playlist everyday like I used to this past summer on my daily subway ride. HIM hasn’t drifted away from my mind though. The thing is that HIM isn’t fresh anymore so every song and lyric line feels plastered into my brain.

Some time ago, I noticed how big of an impact HIM has had on me. Upon meeting someone, I happened to share my interest in Finland and in HIM. How all of that came into place, I couldn’t quite explain to that person. The one thing I knew though is this whole universe had rooted ever since I was hooked on HIM. Fortunately enough, some people seem to get it. Or maybe they don’t, but they grasp that this whole “HIM vibe” isn’t going anywhere - neither is it something you can grasp. That means that of course, I’ll get myself a shot of Finlandia vodka if I have the chance. I did - twice! It’s just as weird as that. It also means that the people that enter my room all wonder how come there is a whole corner of my wall entirely dedicated to pictures of an unknown Finnish band surrounded by a heart-like symbol. Who’s this guy? Oh it’s just... er well, it’s Ville Valo, you see. An understatement would be to say that I kind of like him and what he does.

Being a HIM fan also implies having some odd reflexes like thinking about picking the best HIM-related picture as a wallpaper for my new cellphone. Guetting a new cellphone also implies setting up a dual clock in order to know the time in Finland at all times. Finally, me being a HIM fan right means that there is no point in trying to share anything new with you. You and I have seen most of it all already anyway.

Besides, it took me some time to figure that Ville’s whole being couldn’t be further from where I’m at right now. Being rooted into this environment for a couple months made listening to HIM and watching interviews with Ville seem, to me, like such an exotic entertainment! And it is to me, obviously, when I think about it. I personally feel like Ville is all about looking at the world closely and pondering about it in a philosophical manner. He cares about ideas, concepts and about the organic nature of things. He has a way of describing people like, as he said, they are living, breathing pieces of art. Ville has a way of brightening up people and their way of living exactly for their intrinsic value. He revolves the emotions around every side of the existence and he explains all those things genuinely and in a clever manner. What does that mean to me? It means that now having the whole “HIM universe” in the face makes everything I do on a day to day basis seem completely static and detached from the world. Am I saying that HIM isn’t relevant anymore? Not at all. In fact, I think this pushes HIM up even more. That’s how valuable HIM is to me. When I see the fallen leaves off the trees, I think about Finland and I wonder where Ville might be at this moment. Hopefully he’s doing well but where he stands does not matter. It doesn’t because he’ll remain within for as long as I like HIM, hence for a very long time ;)

opinion, theme, untaggable. misc. random good stuff.

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