Just sayin'

Aug 01, 2011 13:56

  Legalities before leaving a small rant or however you want to call it. I'm expressing my opinion here. Let me know if you think this post is pointless or goes aganist Valo Daily rules, then I'll delete it right away . First of all, I don't intend to offend or aggravate anyone with my words, I'm just here because I want to make use of the freedom of speech I was given when I was born, like everyone else here. In my case, I want to remind you why we are here in the first place. On a last note before moving on the main theme of the post, I'm Spanish, so my control of English language is limited, bear with me until you cannot stand the grammar mistakes lol.


Lately, I've seen a lot of hatred towards some group of people who don't deserve it . It's okay if you don't like their post or you think it should be deleted because it isn't HIM-related at all, but you all take EVERYTHING too seriously, guys. I mean, like someone said, flovalo posted an entry about her getting her driving license and making fun of Ville because he doesn't have one. I know it wasn't almost related at all with the purpose of this community, but I saw some comments that were plain rude and sent just for the sake of making drama out of everything is posted here. See, guys, HIM is on a break. Everyone, all the members, they're taking the time to relax and burn all the stress they have been accumulating through all the Screamworks tour. Although I'd love and die if I knew about them travelling again or releasing a new album, I rather wait for them to recover and have their own lives. We, here, in Valo Daily, like to joke around, post picspams, call everybody 'sweetheart', 'dear', 'darling', 'hun', 'honey,' or call the photos 'pretties', 'beauties' or 'eye-candy' because we so genuinely think we're in a comfortable atmosphere to do so and none is going to judge us.

See, Ville/Migé/Linde/Burton/Gas or whoever is close to those guys and is reading this, we are here because we love your music, we're trapped in the emotions that flow within ourselves, singing along and because thanks to the admiration we have towards you, we find you fairly attractive and loveable. We're here because we have given a great part of our spare time to listening to your music, buying your CDs, purchasing your merch and, most of important thing along listening to music, sharing opinions with those that appreciate your work as well. We have accustomed to this comm and the people in there, whatever their age, race, religion, size is, and, at least, me, have met the most wonderful people ever. I'm pretty young, but thanks to some things I've been through, I can see more or less beyond someone's words. I can see his/her beauty and I can feel warm inside and lucky for meet that person. And that's the way I feel with every of you. I haven't never see any of you in real life, but it isn't necessary, because I know you're there, behind the computer screen, and I also know you have feelings, fears and desires as me. They know how is the horrible feeling of being rejected or being told harsh words. One of the purpose of this comm is bringing us joy, because music is always something as genuine and truthful as joy. We're here because maybe we have rediscover one of song we haven't listened for so long and then we're freaking addicted to it, and you want to say to someone: "Oh, boy, this song is so beautiful and it tears my world apart but rebuilds it again, so weird, man" and then the other person can say something totally different and it's enriching.

This place, as cheesy as it may sound, has filled me with peace. Here, I don't have the need of wearing specific clothes or write in a certain way. I can be trully myself here and admire this guy who started it all and who has been/is one of the most influential people in my life. And, ladies and gentleman, I don't regret any of the things I've said in some posts. It isn't a crime to find human anatomy and absolutely beautiful, specially if we're talking about Ville freaking Valo, for God's sake.

Okay, now, a small reminder, something that sickens Ville to death in interviews. What does HIM's music stand for? Oh, It's about love, I didn't have a clue! And it's quite weird, because this comm sometimes is like full of rage, bad feelings and drama. Please, this can be changed. It is in our hands to change it, to make it a better place if that's possible. If suddenly someone burst into a full-time cycle of hate, it would be nice if we all could ignore it or at least reply in the coldest way possible, stating that those kind of comments aren't allowed. If you feel like hating, then go to another page and complain. If you don't like what you see, then leave and we'll be out of your sight, hopefully. That's what I do when I see that someone is bashing HIM or some band I love. Why would I waste my time sending hateful messages at someone? I think it would be great to spend my time at loving every of you, with your flaws and virtues. There are already a great amount of reasons to hate, please, don't add music to the list. I think it's one of the most beautiful things ever created or discovered, as I believe belonged to nature before we stumbled upon it. And, you know what? Ville did something great as blending music with love. Two great concepts that can change human behaviour drastically. At least, that what happens with me :)

Sorry, I'm just rambling, but I wanted to let you know that this website is wonderful and despise all the discussions brought here, I'll be there for any of you. If you're hating on me, don't wait for a response. I won't listen to you or read what you have to say, because I won't hate back. What will be left of you if I don't feed your expectations? :P So, that's it. Good afternoon and enjoy your Valo Daily experience.

untaggable. misc. random good stuff.

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