Huge spam - 120 things I like about HIM (Part 3/6)

Mar 10, 2011 23:53

Hey everybody. This is the continuity of my last thread. A little feedback is always appreciated :)  Besides that, I am really happy that today is over with because I've been hurting all day, looking at facebook posts from Apocalyptica, which I had no choice but to miss tonight :(   I am still bummed about it since I know it'll be a while until ( Read more... )

opinion, untaggable. misc. random good stuff.

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psiqueheart March 13 2011, 14:41:42 UTC
If this isn't dedication, I would want God to come and see this post! The coolest thing is that I have thought of most of those things, you see :P Oh, I love Bittersweet, it's so beautiful I can't stand listening to that song for too long, I end up feeling my heart beating slowly and weakly. The same happens when I listen to HIM, so I'm kind of f*cked! :S Too much emotion within, I guess...

Oh, man, too bad I'm not English, I would like to say 'I feel like a bittersweet bastard every morning'. I have the perfect excuse to say that XD

Definately, this is a great post. And the Oscar goest to...flovalo!


flovalo March 13 2011, 15:30:08 UTC
Aaww thank you sweetheart I really appreciate it :) I just got up after a night of miserable electronics studying for my physics class... and I got sick again (too much raining and snowing lately). I'm so sick soaking my socks wet everytime I go out that here I am, giving up and going to buy myself a goddamn pair of rubber boots once and for all. (Yeah, the rambling doesn't get any better in the morning...)

I'm glad you like what I do. I'll post the rest soon and I have other fun stuff prepared as well. I can't wait to work on that, all my shitty school work is depressing me.


psiqueheart March 13 2011, 17:40:41 UTC
Yeah, I understand you perfectly, I think more than I should. High school is supposed to be a good place for you and the best place for learning and growing as a person. Instead of that, I feel like drowing in a gigant lake of depression, stress and routine...thanks God I listen to HIM in Latin lessons or either way I would be dead by now! Be careful with your mental and physical health, if you think it's time to rest for a while, do so. Your happiness is way more important than high school!

Sorry for the senseless speech, just felt like giving you advice :) Thank you for posting such fun and tender things and keep it up! J'aime ce post (?!) Epic French fail XDDD


flovalo March 13 2011, 18:07:38 UTC
Non, pas d'epic French fail ;) You got it all right. I was thinking about my Spanish in the metro when I went to buy said rain boots ( ... )


psiqueheart March 13 2011, 18:42:03 UTC
Déjame decirte que tu español es muy bueno, pero hay errores todavía :) ¡Sigue practicando! :D ( ... )


flovalo March 13 2011, 18:57:22 UTC
Well since you so generously suggested it, I might ask you some little things that bothered me in the article I translated. First, the title, "Fuera del armario"... I never learned the subjunctive at school and I'm not too familiar with it in English either, so I didn't know any better than translate it to more or less "(Let) the closet suit" (which I am pretty sure is inaccurate).

Also, "Eso sí, esta vez, de siniestro, muy poco". I think I quite understood what it meant but the "de siniestro", again, is something I never learned before so... It was a bit tricky to figure out the right meaning for this whole sentence. I thought it was approximately "However this time unfortunately, very little."

"Vaqueros por la patilla" = a spare pair of jeans?

"La era del trueque" = the exchanging era?


psiqueheart March 13 2011, 19:09:26 UTC
"Fuera" can mean different things, it depends on the context, and this time it means "out". For example, if in English I say: "If I were you..." then you would have to translate it as: "Si fuera tú.." but if you refer to a place like a closet, then it's "out ( ... )


flovalo March 13 2011, 19:21:53 UTC
Thank you that was really helpful indeed. And I'm really happy that you didn't laugh at my translation skills or usage of Spanish :) Not that I ever thought you would, it's just that I take languages so at heart that it annoys me when I know I'm not getting something quite right. At least I remember enough of my Spanish and I've learned it at an advanced enough level for me to be able to improve it on my own, even years later. That's not the case with German though. The teaching wasn't as good and the level was too basic so, although I recognize the words and I can make some links when I'm listening to it, I wouldn't be able to have a conversation in German at all :(


psiqueheart March 13 2011, 19:34:54 UTC
Why would I laugh at your translation skills? There is always something to learn about from others! I'm sure you know a lot of more languages than me :) I know what you mean, I really get annoyed when my translations aren't accurate and they're seem too basic for me. Well, at least you know a little bit of German, for me it's one of the most complicated languages in Europe and its sound is rough, too fast and really weird syllables :S

Hey, I'm not the only one who says that, Migé said it once and Ville seemed to agree. That interview was actually hilarious!


flovalo March 13 2011, 19:46:51 UTC
Well I know French (native language), English, Spanish and German, that's it. I've never learned Latin like you, here it's been flushed more and more by schools when I was growing up. Some people learned it but most of them hated it, I've heard. XD ( ... )


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