Hey hey hey, it's me again. I think you'll be glad to hear that I don't feel like throwing myself under the bus anymore since my nearly-death-material-sinusitis-or-at-least-*extremely*-vile-cold is over with, as well as my major math test which I studied for all week-end. Since you know I like my posts all random and fun, I decided I'd make a list of things which indicate that I am obsessed with HIM. I had read something similar before but I thought my version would be different and entertaining as well. Before you read all that and the couple of quotes I've written down again, I wanted to ask if any of you listened to the radio show today, the one where Linde was supposed to answer some Daniel Lioneye and HIM related questions. I was at school so unfortunately missed it :( Legality below isn't mine.
1) If you're not German and if it wasn't for Ville, you wouldn't know or remember the expression "Ich bin Krank im Kopf"
2) When you're in love, you listen to HIM songs. When you're not, you listen to HIM songs thinking about how great they'll suit your mood once you get in love.
3) You either have HIM posters in your room or you're pissed that there aren't any stores around you selling any.
4) You laugh automatically by remembering Ville imitate Mickey mouse, laugh, beat Bam up, answer "Coffee" to the question "How are you?", or any other typically Ville moment.
5) Everytime you wear fingerless gloves, you can't help but think how cool it would be if you were in Prague shooting the Sacrament video.
6) Ever since you started liking HIM, you have excuses to enjoy the shitty weather (snow, low temperatures and such) - you get to share some motives to whine.
7) You get annoyed that most people associate heartagrams to Bam and have no clue what HIM is.
8) You wish there would be people with eyes like Ville's and Linde's around you.
9) You can't wait for the day you'll happen to pass by a tall man with long blond dreads.
10) You stopped finding loop earrings weird on a man.
11) You're saddened that no guy has hands as big as Ville's around you.
12) You wish the clothing stores sold t-shirts as cool as the ones Ville and Linde wear.
13) You rediscovered or bought a pair of Converse and you know why red ones and black ones will do.
14) You feel proud of your glasses.
15) You're disappointed that there aren't enough occasions to say "Hello oh earthlings" to people in real life.
16) You can't wait to get a pet so to call it Sami, Bam-Bam or Viljami. And you now have a fetish for turtles.
17) If you hadn't ever heard of Jägermeister before, now you certainly have. Same goes with the expression "behind god's back" and the words "pecker", "vindaloo", "brewskies", "lelukauppa", "pimeä/ pimeässä", etc.
18) You know that Santa used to be closed to Rovaniemi. And you know how to pronounce that in english.
19) You wish someone would open up a can of RedBull in front of you so you'd outrageously say "You're drinking the blood of gummy bears!"
20) Even though you're not freaked out by Ville and Linde's thin figure, you wonder how come you never encounter 6'0" and taller men looking like that in real life.
21) You're forever trying to find the best occasion to tell someone "I have a little queen in me".
22) You could write an essay on the different right and wrong ways to say Ville's name and you could rank some interviewers for that matter.
23) You're not ashamed anymore about your "vegan who eats chocolate" status.
24) You've started to like David Hasselhoff and you know why he's a Michael Jackson.
25) In case you ever feel like getting wasted, you know a whole list of signs proving you've gone too far and your body can't take it - because of Ville's ramblings.
26) Your iPod has never been fuller of finnish bands and old rock bands such as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Iggy Pop & The Stooges, etc.
27) You might not know who David Lynch and A-ha are, but you know they're important.
28) You know that Depeche Mode music makes you wanna dance and drink beer to and that people don't go to Depeche Mode concerts to weep, that they're having a good time. (If you've only heard that once, you'll hear it again somewhere else, I promise.)
29) You've already watched some random footage in finnish just for the sake of listening to Ville's voice.
30) You don't see the point in watching HIM videos anymore because you know them by heart, the songs are too familiar and you've watched the making of just as many times.
31) You can watch any video on YouTube with funny or classic Ville moments and tell where every segment comes from.
32) Your next goal in life is to be able to pronounce the name of that film festival in Lapland where the sun never goes down, which drives everybody insane. :)
33) You've already entertained yourself by writing random stuff in boxes, Venus Doom style.
34) If you've already met the band members, the best thing is to remember what they were like in real life. If you've never done so, the best thing is hearing from other people what it was like in real life.
35) You've understood what commercial music is like since you know HIM. And there's plenty of stuff you haven't listened to ever since.
36) You wish baby Ville had told this to his mom when he was a child : "When I grow up, I wanna live in a tower hidden in the forest, with stuffed animals and owls in every corner, a sex altar and bible pages wall to wall in my bathroom."
37) Whenever you're stuck in gigantic cigarette smoke, you feel saddened and wonder how strong the smell used to be on Ville when he smoked hundreds of fags a day.
38)You'll forever wonder why Ville wouldn't play what he recorded on his damn cellphone.
39) You'd melt if you ever saw a guy in real life with said cellphone in pink.
40) You can reformulate all the different ways Ville explained what the name HIM is about.
41) You've watched so many interviews that you're getting good at noticing when Ville lies, when he repeats himself and when he's being sarcastic.
42) You wish Ville didn't cut his hair so you could lead a scientific experiment on it.
43) Everyday you hope a HIM update will come out and you'll learn that a new album is in the works, or that Ville is indeed alive and doing something on this earth.
44) You're convinced that Burton is an unsuspected mastermind and that he will someday take over the world.
45) You've stopped judging introverted people ever since you got to know Linde.
46) If English isn't your first language, you've learned more exotic words through Ville than ever before.
47) You now take pride in your pale skin, weird looks or brassy blond hair.
48) Whenever you see a guy wearing a beanie, you think he's cool, but doesn't have hair as nice as Ville's.
49) The people around you all know that you like a weird band from Finland. If they don't they've certainly become suspicious about the fact that you know unusually much about Finland.
50) You really wish HIM would get together again so that you could finally watch them doing a live interview on HD, instead of watching 5-10 years old poor quality stuff on the internet in a foreign language.
And here are some quotes, like usual :
"Migé : The good transformers are kinda sissies so I prefer the evil ones. I basically like anything with red eyes."
"Interviewer: Is your dad proud of you?
Ville: I don't know, you gotta ask him... but I'm proud of him, you know I'm happy to have a dad such as him. He's a cool guy. So is my mom and I've got a little brother too. He's really nice and all that. I've got a great family."
"I think that you can be so passionately in love with somebody that it hurts. And I think that that's the best situation, when it's overwhelming and indeed magical because you don't know why it is happening. You know like, I don't want this to happen, you know, why now? But it just happens, it just, you know... love moves in mysterious ways. To really care for somebody so much that it does physically hurt, I find it... you know I'm not into S&M but I find it still, that particular situation, very enchanting."
"I don't wanna write songs about Volvos or Volkwagens or whatever, that's boring. Or something which is ordinary or Marbolo Lights or hotels, you know. There's gotta be drama involved, always."
"For me 'emo' always stood for, what I understood was that it's american bands who are whining about their girlfirends, who have [slanted] haircuts like that and who sound overproduced."
"Migé: My inner spirit is turkey so in a sense if we would make a video out of this and it would involve my life it would be like a cock fight between me and turkey."
"I just buy classic albums from Rolling Stones and play them backwards and steal from there."