Since I have over 200 pics from the gigs I went to, I thought i would make another spam... No one minds I'm sure.
I hope you all enjoy and just like with the last post PLEASE do NOT take without permission.
And now for your pleasure my I present Mr. Valo.
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That was an awesome show. Still can't get over him coming out with my scarf on... don't think I ever will.
Glad you liked the pics.
Funny thing is I saw the pic on your myspace before you gave it to him and I told my friend that Ville was gonna get pissed about it because it was Bam's.
I'm just glad he ans Sean patched things up.. though it looked like Sean turned into Ville's bitch for a few shows.
So did all that get cleared up? did he get the lithograph back?
Did you hear they only have one more CD to do on their contract?
Wonder if they are gonna resign or not.
*crosses fingers*
I hope they do. Life would suck without that band.
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