My M&G for May 8th 2010

May 12, 2010 21:00

So that was nearly the first thing Ville said when they were all out in the room. My mind went blank from there..haha. Dirty dirty boy!

I had lost my voice on the way to Connecticut Thursday afternoon,plus woke up with an ear infection early Friday morning. Had to go to the ER to get meds into me ASAP,so I wouldn't miss the show. I felt fine otherwise. No sniffles or coughing. After singing/shouting..(well trying to) Friday night by the time I met them I could barely talk and Ville did indeed pick on me in a joking way..He rubbed his adams apple and said I need to take care of that...drink lots of fluids?? Again can't remember,but he was looking at Mige smiling as he said that.

My hand was shaking when handing Ville a journal. I wanted them all to sign it so I could write about my weekend. It looked like the same one I gave him last tour. I had to write out a question for him, because I had lost my voice. Those were indeed my books I gave him that were in the Metal Hammer Mad Hatter issue. The ones in his living room on his piano in between the bookends. I was happy he kept them and enjoyed them,well actually he told me he hasn't had time to read them yet. I said, "you haven't had time??" with a smile on my face. Of course he hasn't had time..haha. He thanked me and appreciated them.

I asked Burton if they were excited to be going home. He said yes,they have one more show and then they were going home. He said something like, it will be good to be home. Gas was nodding his head as well as in agreeing that it will be good to be home. I told him I hope they come back soon,and he said we hope to as well, then I said really soon,he smiled big. I really can't remember all of what was said. My memory is just horrible and really if you were in my shoes would you have remembered? LOL

I noticed through out the M&G Burton kept looking at me,not sure if it was a poor girl can barely talk,or a you look familiar but not sure where I have seen you before kind of look.

Oh I also talked to Mige first he twittered to Dani_Heartagram about how if by awesome in the way that my penis is an exact replica of Michelangelo's David weener than yes I know I'm awesome. I @ him telling him to wash his mouth out with soap and he responded saying

"OMG! If that earns me mouthwash with soap,i'm gonna have to chastise myself with napalm for complete absolution" So I showed him the screen print of that and he started laughing and he remembered,so I said " this is for you young man" and handed him some soap! It was so funny! What a teddy bear he is. I told him that was me right in front of him Friday night rocking out,he points at me and says ahh yes, smiling.

They signed 2 of the Litho's for me May 7th and the 8th and the journal. Which Ville started signing in the back so they all followed that. It's all good though. :)

So it went by quick. Linde and Gas left and then Shannon and I were like wait pictures! I was like do you guys have time or do you need to get going. Burton said, "hey no we're here let's do it"!

I went to Mige and told him I'm a snuggler and he said something of the fact like oh aaalright me too..Again *kicks brain* for forgetting but he was smiling. He started doing this weird hand thing and got me laughing so hard.

The one with Burton and I well it's goofy as all heck,but Shannon was cracking me up so that is why my eyes were closed..mid laugh. Perfect *rolls eyes* *laughs*

There is more I am forgetting I'm sure but,that is the jist of it! I thank WB/Vicki for doing the M&G and Kelly for putting up with my texting

Plus on Sunday I got my 3rd tattoo,still red of course. But I have been ForTheLoveofHIM on myspace and other websites for years..this had to be done in New York Freaking City! :)

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