burrito moshpit

May 28, 2007 01:17

iheartu website html. printing merch. getting the keys to the new iheartu space on tuesday. the ergs/lemuria on wednesday. burritos. printng merch. matt & kim on thursday. bouncy floors and old friends. finding out i need to pay 2300$ to my school by july 5th. realizing i just dont want to be in school right now. printing merch. driving. matt & kim on friday in austin. danipants coming along for the ride. overhearing amazing conversations. taking part in amazing conversations. printing merch. mitch moving to austin and spending his first night in town with us. the measure on the cover of razorcake. wanting food related tattoos. mint milkshakes. driving in the rain. matt & kim on saturday in denton. head, shoulders, knees and toes. dancing. seeing my brothers ex-gf and finding out her bf is opening for the show. not seeing rick. not going to fuzzys taco. driving. printing merch. tori flies to europe. heathers grad party. finding out pioneers will open for awk in sept. building rooms in our new space. never sleeping, never showering. eating too much. leaving for hawai'i in 8 days.
past week. thats whats up.

this is part of that visualized... but my camera died so i cant upload more until later.


this is what the mink looks like romantacised.

good shot? bad shot? i think i like it.

fatal flying guilloteens throw bottles from rooftops in brooklyn... it's true, matt said so.

"hi im matt and this is kim. we're matt and kim"

slooooooooooooowing it down to hip hop, baby. BOUNCE!
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