Today has been a pretty nice day. Sydney had us awake by 7:00 this morning, but we just spent some time all three of us playing on our bed. Then, we got ready for the day and took Charles to school. Sydney and I went to Wal-mart for some things we needed, like diapers and wipes. We came home and Sydney went down for her morning nap and I got some things done like cleaning and freezing some baby food. we went and picked up Charles from school and came home. When Charles went to work, Sydney and I spent some time playing before her afternoon nap. She's getting much better at crawling now and MUCH more attentive as to what is on the floor...I need to be better about vacuuming now. While she napped, I did some more cleaning and watched Alias. When Sydney woke up, I feed her, made some more baby food and dinner. Charles came home for dinner and played with Sydney, then I gave her a bath and put her to bed. I've spent the rest of the evening updating my photo a days and our blog and now I'm going to go do some dishes and wait for Charles to come home...sometime.